This is how it all starts...

If you're looking for ways to improve, don't put the responsibility back on the teachers, they do already too much.
I got an idea. How about having them tech reading, writing and arithmetic. You know, like it used to be instead of all this "social" crap. It's the parent’s job to raise their children socially, not the states. It is the parents responsibility to teach their own children moral issues and upbringing. It is not the states.

What does football, soccer, baseball, chess club, band, pep club and all these other "social" clubs have to do with an education? Absolutely nothing. Nothing in the least!

The way I see it, they don't do anything right now. Why do my children never have homework? Because there aren't enough books for the kids. But this overpaid, 9-month jockey wants more money.

Home schooling is really starting to seem like the best way to educate a child in todays educational system.
PostCode said:
I got an idea. How about having them tech reading, writing and arithmetic. You know, like it used to be instead of all this "social" crap. It's the parent’s job to raise their children socially, not the states. It is the parents responsibility to teach their own children moral issues and upbringing. It is not the states.

What does football, soccer, baseball, chess club, band, pep club and all these other "social" clubs have to do with an education? Absolutely nothing. Nothing in the least!

The way I see it, they don't do anything right now. Why do my children never have homework? Because there aren't enough books for the kids. But this overpaid, 9-month jockey wants more money.

Home schooling is really starting to seem like the best way to educate a child in todays educational system.
The social crap is usually via a court order. Lay only 1/3 of the blame on teachers and 2/3 of the blame on legal hell and nimrod courts handing down silly pronouncements since the post ww2 era.
you know, in louisiana every boy over the age of 13 carries a "utility knife" in his pocket for a variety of legitimate reasons. one of them is chivalry. if a lady needs some cutting assistance (open a package, cut a straw in half, a tangled balloon string) he is at the ready. i always found it charming.
remember- it's not the tool, it's the manner in which you use it.
unclehobart said:
The social crap is usually via a court order. Lay only 1/3 of the blame on teachers and 2/3 of the blame on legal hell and nimrod courts handing down silly pronouncements since the post ww2 era.

Fair enough. Unfortunately, the teacher has direct contact with both my kid & me.

Postcode said:
Home schooling is really starting to seem like the best way to educate a child in todays educational system.

Yep. It makes being poor so much easier too ;)
PostCode said:
Home schooling is really starting to seem like the best way to educate a child in todays educational system.
That's really true. Unfortunately, it seems easier than fixing a broken education system too.