this is so stupid


New Member
i havn't posted here in a long time, but this seems like the place to complain about my town. last night i found a possum in my basement. he didn't look to happy to see me so i decided to leave him alone. today i get to calling around and it ends up leading me to the police. The woman i spoke to told me to go down and try to catch it. sorry if i sound dumb, but her advice just isn't helping and seems dangerous to me.. :mad2:
That is pretty stupid. I just love when local law enforcement is no help whatsoever.

Ok, heres to solve your problem however. First of all, are you sure it's a Possum? If you are, then it shouldn't be too hard to catch. Get yourself some good heavy gloves, and a good sturdy box. A possum will lay down and play dead when it feels threatened, so just walk up to it, but don't corner it, and it should lay down. Then just use the box to scoop it up, put a lid on the box, and get it the hell out of there.

Good Luck.
ok puter that sounds like a good idea, i'm pretty sure its a possum, i mean i'm not an expert at all. but if its still where it was last night i'd definatly be cornering it, it was like up by the celing, on a ledge kinda with the floor boards right above it and like floor joints along side it. oh well, i'm gonna try calling a few more times.
You corner one of them things they can get mean. Got a dog? They hate dogs.
:bitchslap: Unc

You shoudl NOT kill animals just for the hell of it! Pay to get someone to remove it instead of killing it!
Possums are a dime a dozen. They aren't endangered... but they do have a real chance of carrying rabies. If the state won't ditch it and it doesn't get the hell out of its own accord. I won't take the chance of getting bit. Those things can be fast when pissed off. If I can't do a safe tail grab, I'd just assume mop up its brains. You seem to not mind killing spiders and snakes and such. Do possums fall into the 'cute' realm of animals that can't be touched?
I woudl not kill a snake! I would not touch a snake either but I woudl not kill it!

I probably wouldn't kill that big spider you found outside your house either. I prefer to have the spiders found inside caught and released aswell but I am afraid to get close enough and my mom refuses to do a catch and release.
unclehobart said:
a .38 between the eyes should help it play dead.

Yep this is my advice too. :headbang:

I have no problems killing animals that get pesky. I will NOT live in a zoo. I'm NOT a dandropheliac or other nature loving dude.
I don't have a .22 The .38 is the softest hitting beast I own. I could use the 10 gauge shotgun.. but it would probably weaken the house foundation as it made a 6 ft diameter hole in the wall.
sorry, i fell asleep all day till i had to go to work. well my landlord said he was gonna bring a .22 and take care of it while i was at work. i'll go check tomorrow, and if its not dead it looks like i'm going to pull out my .38 and solve the problem. thanks guys :headbang:
unclehobart said:
I don't have a .22 The .38 is the softest hitting beast I own. I could use the 10 gauge shotgun.. but it would probably weaken the house foundation as it made a 6 ft diameter hole in the wall.

Ya can borrow my .22 if ya want. Don't use the goose gun. Permanent deafness sucks.