This just in:

No takers on that. People, if they weren't meant to be eaten, they wouldn't be made of meat.

Bu those 'experts' need to be brought to heel regardless.

"Of course the habitats here in the safari park are arranged in such a way that one animal almost never kills another, but they are and remain wild animals," it said.

anytime you change an animals' circumstance, you change it's behavior. Perhaps in nature, they wouldn't kill one another. But any animal caged and bored shiftless is gonna change it's behavior. Just look at kids. Take two kids in the same school class. During the summer, on goes on vacation to a summer camp, and the other stays home, playing nintendo. Which one is more likely to torture a kitten, or spray paint a wall?
Professur said:
No takers on that. People, if they weren't meant to be eaten, they wouldn't be made of meat.

Bu those 'experts' need to be brought to heel regardless.

anytime you change an animals' circumstance, you change it's behavior. Perhaps in nature, they wouldn't kill one another. But any animal caged and bored shiftless is gonna change it's behavior. Just look at kids. Take two kids in the same school class. During the summer, on goes on vacation to a summer camp, and the other stays home, playing nintendo. Which one is more likely to torture a kitten, or spray paint a wall?

The one that went to camp, they learn those kind of things there. :p
Speaking of camp. Are you dragging his ass to Atlanta or kicking him out and making him come alone?
"Of course the habitats here in the safari park are arranged in such a way that one animal almost never kills another, but they are and remain wild animals," it said.

Are we talking about a zoo exhibit or south central LA?
Now...if people pay attention to this little lesson, maybe..just maybe, we might have a year during which nobody decides to crawl into an enclosure to pet 'the cute baby Lion' or some such stupidity.

Though I doubt it.:hmm: