This one time... at band camp...

I occasionally crucify songs on my guitar :eh:

When I was a kid I could play loads of songs on a tin whistle........dunno if I could still play them now tho'.
bleach said:
I occasionally crucify songs on my guitar :eh:

When I was a kid I could play loads of songs on a tin whistle........dunno if I could still play them now tho'.

You just reminded me that I have loadsa them in a drawer at home somewhere. All different keys too for ease of playing.
Inkara1 said:
This answer your question?
your second pic reminds me of the uniforms our school got the year after i graduated.

I've played just about every brass instrument at one point or another, started on trumpet and ended playing tuba. oh how i miss marching with a tuba, we carried those full sized silver yamaha monsters. they sounded so much better than anything else out there.

* reminisces

i played in a winter drumline for three years too, mostly mallet instruments, i miss that too. :(
The problem with brass players is that we do end up playing them all. I've never played the french horn though and have always wanted to have a bash at it.
I played the bass clarinet, the clarinet and a little bit of the bass. I was in the high school band camp which was just an all day thing for a week, but I was in the color guard at that time. Okay, let me here the jokes, I was a flagget.
PrincessLissa said:
Te he. Are we? Than maybe I should leave.

KA meet Lissa, Lissa this is KA

KA, if you expect a mature convo from Lissa (most of time) your in the wrong place.

Fun ones with hugs singing, tomato throwing (and subsequent chasing of steweygrrrr by a mutant carnivorous tomato....check for that escapade ) and general immaturity are the norm wit Lissa..
I can play the guitar and flute. I own a flute and 3 guitars but haven't played either in quite some time. Come to think of it...I don't even know where my flute is...
I would have loved to have learned to play the flute........Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) has always been one of my role-models :jester:
Nixy said:
Come to think of it...I don't even know where my flute is...
Oh Nixy please take that back before I am forced to say something....especially with the thread title
Used to play piano a lot and played drums to a pretty high level.

Never been to band camp as such, but I've been on tours around Ireland and Austria with an orchestra a done a bunch of TV/radio things with a big jazz band (Blue Peter twice, arghahaha!!!). There's nothing quite like running around on stage at the Albert Hall, hitting various things!!! :D

Not so much these days. :(