this pissed me off....

sad that those parents and others dont care about language as they should. i also wonder if they are homophobic. i say that because if a child uses that word to describe someone and they arent talking about marlboros then the parents should do something. but noone can tell a parent how to be a parent. but that shows how little they care. and the fact the kids were arguing at all also offends me.
I totally understand your frustration about this, , my mother and my brothers live in a trailer park and it's come to a point where I have to drive them the short way from the bus stop to home in order to prevent them from hearing the kind of crap pouring out of the mouths of elementary school kids around their age. Literally as soon as these kids step off the bus, they start throwing around insults the likes of which were likely to get you paddled quite severely a decade ago, and they use it just as if it were in our daily language, throwing around "faggot", "motherfucker", and "cocksucker" just as easily as they would say "game" and "candy"

Thoroughly pisses me off, because my brothers have picked some of it up
Inkara1 said:
Is this wrong? Is it unfair that I can’t say certain things simply because I’m a white, heterosexual male?

Inky, you know I love you, but think about it this way. You're grumbling because it's unfair that you can't use certain words. But being who you are, you never had to go through the pain and hurt caused by those words, both physically and emotionally. So you can't say those words, at least you weren't beaten for being those things.
inky i somewhat agree i somewhat dont. i feel that homosexuals are equal to striaghts. now with that in mind if a gay person makes a comment about my heterosexuality, i should be allowed to comment on his. but thats not usually the case. although i give LL/jerrek a hard time about his sexuality, i will NEVER use the word faggot to him as i respect him something the daughter obviously doesnt have. to me we should learn to respect each other as individuals.
You are absolutely right freako, we should respect each other for individuals, regardless of whether they are black, white, gay, straight, catholic or jewish.

The point to all this is that if we are not allowed to even use a word to try to further the cause of understanding, we are blocking out our own understanding. The way to solve problems is not to tuck them away somewhere so that they can't be discussed, it is to bring them out in the open, sometimes that involves using language that some of us are not comfortable with, but to say that the word should NEVER be said is ludicrous, it is trying to hide the problem in the hopes it just goes away.