This sucks...

Gonz said:
there is no link between second-hand smoke & any disease. none. it did not correlate to any medical condition. in short, second-hand smoke is nothing more than a nusciance. the study (several years old now) has been removed from all their publications because it isn't politically correct.

If you believe this, do you still smoke around your children because you don't think there's anything to worry about? When cigarettes were first introduced, nobody knew what kind of effect it was going to have on the human body. If only first hand smoke is harmful, and it's constantly being emitted from the end of a cigarette, isn't that dangerous to others around it too? And inhaling smoke into your lungs and blowing it out is supposed to make it safe for others around you? That kind of reasoning is just insane to me.

When I smoked, I was still a courteous smoker. I didn't smoke around children AT ALL, in non-smoking houses, cars, buildings, etc. There are already many many places in NY where it's made difficult for smokers to light up, I've just gotten quite used to it. Of course, I don't smoke anymore so it's not that hard. ;)
If you folks would get off your lazy butts and research before you comment, we wouldn't be having this argument.

MitchSchaft said:
If you folks would get off your lazy butts and research before you comment, we wouldn't be having this argument.


Then please teach us, using your infinite wisedom! :p
Well, most smokers are complete idiots fo rmsoking in the first place so I don't see why you woudl expect them to be curtious to others who are non-smokers! (notice how i said MOST smokers not ALL smokers!)
I would be interested in hearing your reasoning behind your post as well Mitch, so we can all learn to conform to your ideals.
Even stronger laws were just passed this week. All indoor public smoking banned (including the elimination of special "smoking rooms") by 2008. Cigarette sales displays fobidden everywhere. I'm waiting on the next set, where smoking anywhere outside of your own house is banned. Soon to be followed by the elimination of tabacco as a crop everywhere, to be replaced with something useful, like food.
Professur said:
Even stronger laws were just passed this week. All indoor public smoking banned (including the elimination of special "smoking rooms") by 2008. Cigarette sales displays fobidden everywhere. I'm waiting on the next set, where smoking anywhere outside of your own house is banned. Soon to be followed by the elimination of tabacco as a crop everywhere, to be replaced with something useful, like food.

And when the business goes away for the bars (it is, and will continue), putting people out of work for something that can only be classified as a nuisance, what will you say then?

Fact...Smokers spend more money in bars than non-smokers, and tip better than non-smokers.

Fact...The cities that banned smoking in bars had over a 50% decrease in the profits of said establishments, with a corresponding increase in business revenue in cities not affected by the ban.