This thread is for PT


Staff member
I was just looking through profiles and I figured I'd start a thread about biodegradable coffee cups for you buddy.

Here at work we use recyclable styronfoam coffee cups :D
What do you suppose they make out of them then? Or do you think they just make more coffee cups?
I think they make insulation out of them

I am not making that up...for some reason I think I heard somewhere that recycled strofoam is used for insulation...Of course, I might be losing my mind :shrug:
Perhaps, but that's another thread. I've often wondered what it is they do with all the foam they recycle. I'd think we'd have enough insulation at some point. I know they make carpet out of the old plastic soda bottles. I find that a little odd. I suppose it's ok to spill some soda on the carpet though, huh?
Plastic soda bottles are used to make carpet? NEATO!

I think underlay for carpet is often made from recycled foam and left over bits of foam too.
I have this hate/hate relationship with styrofoam peanuts. Not the best thing to pack computers in but I have tons and tons of them from people who pack with them. I guess it's better than the person who packed with shredded paper which entered all the little vents in the Wyse terminal and caused a fire hazard. :retard:

Anyway, I take some styrofoam peanuts home every once in a while and use them in the bottom of potted plants. Since it doesn't biodegrade, it's good for outside, helps the drainage of the pots, keeps the pots from getting too heavy, and saves me some potting soil. An all around good deal.

Oh and they just switched from paper coffee cups at work to styrofoam cus it's the cheapest crap out there. :hmm:
greenfreak said:
Oh and they just switched from paper coffee cups at work to styrofoam cus it's the cheapest crap out there. :hmm:

See now, that's what made me put that in my profile to begin with. We've all decided apparently that we've done enough recycling and we're starting to get lax with it. We did the same thing here. Paper cups that will biodegrade, or styrofoam that won't. It's just stupid. Now, if we recycled them, it would be different, but we don't. We do recycle all of our paper, so I guess that's something.
gf: That is a very good idea with the strofoam peanuts and the plants!!!
That's just about the only use I've found for those peanuts besides it's intended use. I wish there were other things to do with them, besides having them stick to your hands and clothes because of the static electricity they generate. :mad:

PT, I know what you mean. Nothing gets recycled here. They keep taking things away from the regular employees and cutting costs with us but then they go out and buy a digital tv and 19" monitors for managers. Spending around here is so whacked. As long as you're important, you get what you want. And if you're not, they just keep taking away. :hmm:
Ever wish you could be like Wally in "Dilbert," who hasn't done any actual work in something like a decade?
i work for a maniacally eco office - our buildings are intended to be the cutting edge envinmental design ideas and the office tries to fun itself as greenly as possible. we recycle all our paper, use organic food in the lunches provided, have an office that uses thermal mass to reduce heating bills... its nice :)
Those plastic spoons and forks that you throw out after one use are designed to biodegrade in 10,000 years. Yeah we are building up quite a bit of a mess with those if we don't recycle them.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Those plastic spoons and forks that you throw out after one use are designed to biodegrade in 10,000 years. Yeah we are building up quite a bit of a mess with those if we don't recycle them.
Or at the very least, switch to using plastic sporks. :tardbang:
fury said:
Or at the very least, switch to using plastic sporks. :tardbang:

Yes, my HS had those in plentiful supply. I would always use them to play a game where you try to break the other persons spork by hitting it with the back of yours. Anybody ever play that game??
Nixy said:
I think they make insulation out of them

I am not making that up...for some reason I think I heard somewhere that recycled strofoam is used for insulation...Of course, I might be losing my mind :shrug:
I've seen a house built with styrofoam blocks. I forget what kind of adhesive held the blocks together, but there was concrete poured between the blocks and in the hollow parts in the middle of them. The house was then stuccoed over on the outside. the R-value of the walls was astronomical.