Those lousy bas...


New Member
..tards. There's a special election today in Cobb County. They're going to decide whether to jack the sales tax up a penny. It wasn't publicized ANYWHERE. It's buried back in the local sections of the paper's website, and if you didn't check out the Cobb elections website, you'd have never fucking known it.

Hey Unc! Get out there and tell them to shove their special sales tax up their ass! I assure you, I will.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ring any bells?

"But Mr. Dent, the plans have been available in the local planning office for the last nine months."

"Oh yes, well, as soon as I heard I went straight round to see them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn't exactly gone out of your way to call attention to them, had you? I mean, like actually telling anybody or anything."

"But the plans were on display ..."

"On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."

"That's the display department."

"With a flashlight."

"Ah, well, the lights had probably gone."

"So had the stairs."

"But look, you found the notice, didn't you?"

"Yes," said Arthur, "yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'."
Out of curiosity, what is the sales tax in Metro Atlanta these days?

(It's 6.5% in Panama City.)
i just found out tonite our county commissioner wants to raise sales tax from 6.5% to 7.25% to fund a new Vikings stadium that a pretty significant portion of the county population couldn't afford to go to, w/o putting it to a referrendum.
We have 15% tax over regular stuff. Books, food, medicine among others are tax excempt. Cigarretes and alcoholic beverages are taxed to hell I dare to say 95% of the cost of a cigarrete pack is taxes and a good 30% of alcohol.
Luis G said:
We have 15% tax over regular stuff. Books, food, medicine among others are tax excempt. Cigarretes and alcoholic beverages are taxed to hell I dare to say 95% of the cost of a cigarrete pack is taxes and a good 30% of alcohol.
sheesh, don't tell the tourists!
tommyj27 said:
sheesh, don't tell the tourists!

At less than USD$2 for a pack of cigarretes and about 25-30 for a good Tequila/Whisky/Cognac I don't think they care about how much the gvmnt gets ;)
chcr said:
8.25% hereabouts. On everything, food included. OTOH, no state income tax.

No tax on food here, too. And no state income tax.

There is a "bed tax" on accomodations, and hefty taxes on gas and alcohol, too. We let the tourists pave our roads, and they do a damn fine job of it.

Lottery money is building new schools - we have a new middle school in Vernon, a new high school is under construction, and a new elementary school is being planned.
Sales tax is 7.25 percent here, which is tied for the lowest rate in California. That goes along with the state income tax, property tax, gas tax, vehicle tax, cigarette tax, etc.
Our provincial tax is 8%, federal 7%...we only have one set of tax on fast food purchases under $4 and none on "essential items"...dunno WHICH tax we have on the fast food though, I forget.
It's 4% state, plus local options. Here in Atlanta, it's between 5 and 8%, with Cobb being lowest at 5. I should say we WERE at 5. They succesfully hid this damn thing, and it looks like it'll pass by 117 votes. Of course, they still have to count all the absentee and provisional ballots, but it looks like the fuckers got what they wanted, and I'll spend another 1% on every-goddamned-thing I buy for the next six years at a minimum.

That's it. On the local level, I'm going anti-encumbent in the next election. Currently serving at the county level? Look forward to my voting for your opponent next time. Running unopposed? I'll abstain.
The passage of the tax came after a carefully choreographed "stealth" campaign that sought to overcome anti-tax tendencies in a politically conservative county. On an election day with only one item on the ballot, only about 12 percent of the registered voters went to the polls — a fraction of what can be expected for a general election but just the kind of turnout supporters had counted on.....


...Towery's company, Insider Advantage, identified 20,000 likely supporters among women, senior citizens and Democrats. The campaign then sent brochures, made telephone calls and ferried them to the polls if necessary.

"If the campaign had been run in traditional manner, with TV commercials, radio ads and mass mailings, this thing would have lost 55 [percent] to 45," Towery said. "It was a stealth campaign."

County officials assembled an impressive list of political leaders and businessmen to beat the drums in support of the tax increase. They raised and spent $300,000.

Tuesday's vote was close in all areas of the county. The strongest support was in Democratic precincts and the high-growth areas of west and north Cobb.

And it would have lost except for another campaign maneuver: getting targeted voters to the polls early.

Early and absentee voters accounted for 10 percent of the total vote and favored the tax increase by 2,621 to 1,499, or 64 percent in favor. On election day itself, the "no" votes outnumbered the "yes" ones by 1,122.

MotherFUCKER!! Perhaps I do need to run for office.

Copy of what I just e-mailed that jackass county commissioner of ours.

Mr. Olens -

As a 20 year resident of and voter in Cobb County, I am writing to express my extreme displeasure with the Cobb County Commision in general and you in particular regarding the tactics used in this week's SPLOST referendum. I was originally bemused by the lack of publicity surrounding this poll, but after reading the article to which I've linked below, that emotion rapidly changed to anger.

Am I to understand that, under your leadership, the elected commissioners of my county actually conspired to pass a referendum that they KNEW was opposed by the majority of their constituants by both mobilizing voters they knew would vote one way, and attempting to conceal this vote from the rest of this county's residents?

Shame on you, Mr. Olens. In actively conspiring to override the known preferences of your voter base, you have violated the public trust in perhaps the most vile way I can conceive. I look forward to actively campaigning against your and your fellow commissioners' re-elections at the earliest opportunity.

See you at the polls.

Steven _______
Irritated voter