Those pesky things called 'rights'

"It's about time that you Yanks started doing something"

To which we must agree.

In or about 1983 a group of terrorists blew up a building with some Marines in it. Our President & his cabinet decided it would be better to step away from the platform & not make waves. Give the terrorists what they want & they'll leave us alone.

In the following 18 years they didn't leave us alone. We ran & we ran & we ran. Turn the other cheek may have worked for Jesus but America's policy should have been....fuck them up & fuck them up big time.

It wasn't.

Now it is.

The terrorists are now running.
Saddam's talking like a spanked 5-year-old...he's given out names, places, groups of terrorists ewtc...hell, he's even given the location of Billions of dollars of stashed cash!... but...what he hasn't done is given up locations of WMD's

Might that be that there weren't any there? That they've been gone for years...sold for quick cash? Maybe he was bluffing all along with the WMD thing...don't attack me, I've got Anthrax! Don't attack me...I've got mustard-gas! etc...

I'm not convinced that it was a war for oil...only. Perhaps it was just an excuse to get a foot in the region. A nicely centered air-base to threathen other nations with. A 'lesson' for other nations that were thinking of terrorism.

Lookit what happened to Saddam...try it and get 'some' too!

I hope that it works out...really, I do. I hope that the deaths were worthwhile. That the money spent on the 'war' have gone to a positive end. Really...I do.

With 2004 around the corner...I hope so.
Happy New Year folx!
Has this arguement gone anywhere BTW? Are they POW's or unlawful combattants? Terrorists or terror-supporters? Anybody got new news?
by the Geneva convention they should be let go shouldnt they? gonz what was the link you used for the Geneva convention? as far as i know they are still in custody but i maybe wrong
freako104 said:
by the Geneva convention they should be let go shouldnt they? gonz what was the link you used for the Geneva convention? as far as i know they are still in custody but i maybe wrong

Nope. The Geneva Convention says that any 'unlawful combatants' may be tried by a military tribunal. Letting them go is most definitely not an option. If we let them go, doesn't that give them a chance to do more terrorism? How about this...Give them access to decent lawyers, and try them in an open court. If the evidence is there, and they are guilty, then they should get some jail time. If not, then let them go...
thats actually the best idea and it surprisingly doesnt infringe on rights. but werent they combatants since they were fighting? and to be honest i dont know whether it would mean they would do more acts of terrorism but you are right in that it does give them the chance
Let's settle this easily. Anybody carrying a weapon & shooting at or towards American or ally soldiers will be killed.
freako104 said:
thats actually the best idea and it surprisingly doesnt infringe on rights. but werent they combatants since they were fighting? and to be honest i dont know whether it would mean they would do more acts of terrorism but you are right in that it does give them the chance

According to the Geneva Convention, lawful combatants must be in some kind of uniform. Even as little as a scarf tied to the left arm could be classified as such, provided that all those who are in your army/navy, etc are wearing the same color, and in the same area of the left arm. An unlawful combatant is any other person who takes up arms against your army.