

Well-Known Member
The object of the game?

Start with a valid subject, the next poster then makes a valid comment on the first subject while masterfully changing the subject to something completely different without going completely off the wall.

Winner is the first person to thread-jack to a subject that no-one else can thread-jack on!

Let the games begin. :headbng2:

***I started the game, so I don't have to post THERE! :lurk:
Dude, where the fuck have you been? That's not a game. That's day to day posting here. Get with the fucking program already, you douche. Gawd, I hate people who think they've invented the fucking wheel again. Don't you?
True enough..and in Spanish, they even go a step further, by putting one in the front as well.
Unlike the Greek..who want to put everything in the rear, mostly ;)
But who really gives a damn what the spanish do? I mean, really, what have they ever given the world .... except a great set up for a Mel Brooks skit.
But who really gives a damn what the spanish do? I mean, really, what have they ever given the world .... except a great set up for a Mel Brooks skit.

they gave what nobody expected

the spanish inquisition

cause nobody expects....
...and where the hell did that "Spanish Inquisition" smilie go?

I swear that the internet is falling apart at the seams
At least it's not the sky

Hey! Didya hear about the Hubble going tits up yet again? They've actually had to pull the shuttle mission back to next year, and pull the Atlantis back off the pad. How much money is that they've pissed away on trying to fix that relic? Jesus, but they time they get that POS fixed, it's replacement will already be in orbit.
My astronomy professor in college actually got to use Hubble for a little while and had good things to say about it.

So allow me to rant a little bit. Here in downtown Atascadero, they're trying to get people to come downtown to shop (at what stores?) so they're doing "streetscape improvements" such as brick crosswalks and bulb-outs. Never mind the bicyclists are pissed because the bulb-outs take away the bike lane and they have to ride in the traffic lane and could get hit. I wasn't going to shop downtown before, but a few well-placed bulb-outs will sure draw me in.
Without clicking your link, since I fucking hate people who assume that I`ve nothing better to do that have yet another cookie dumped on me, what is a bulb out when it`s at home?
The sidewalk juts out so the crosswalk can be shorter.

They're building one of those right near my office, moving a regular crosswalk 50 feet or so up the street. The fun part is... these bulb-outs will cost a few parking spaces, which we won't get back at site of the old crosswalk because there are fire hydrants at each end of it.
But they don`t want street parking, do they. Get the cars off the streets and into municipal parking lots ($$$$). Less traffic to bother the shoppers, and shoppers walk past more stores (greater buying opps)

Glasgow is loaded with closed streets, what they call pedestrian malls.
We don't have lots of lots (har), no... the only lots we have are on-street parking, a lot for a hotel, a lot for a fast-food business, etc. There is this one alley that's really wide that gets used for parking a lot, but otherwise, all the city-owned parking is on the street.

Now... there's a giant vacant lot downtown that's supposed to become Colony Square. It used to be Century Plaza and the movie theater and a bunch of other stuff was there. They tore it all down with the intent to build a new 10-screen theater and use that income to build the rest of the development. Problem is, they don't have the money to build the theater, so the lot's just sitting there with the parking spaces paved and the empty dirt parts where the buildings are supposed to go. The developers asked the city to give them $1 million, but the city was told by its attorney that doing so would trigger the prevailing wage requirement and eat up the extra money.

In any case, there's this big empty lot downtown now and maybe they could make it into a centrally-located big-ass parking lot.
Whatever. Lots of men drive them too...and they drive extra crappy when on the phone. Men are notorious non-multi-taskers.
That being said, were I to drive I would not use the phone without a blue tooth.
Shouldn`t be on the phone to start with, bluetooth or otherwise. Hell, most folks aren't smart enough to walk and chew gum without screwing it up.