Time for an impeachment

That would be possuble if Iran & Syria would control their terrorists.
Which raises the question: Why do we expect them to?

If I had a guess, it would be that we expect many to follow to us, even though that doesn't happen as much in areas where we are hated. That and while I distrust him, the Iranian president seems to be trying to do things to help us (though I think it is a farce, my terrorism professor was mentioning he was one of the students who helped Kohmeni (SP?) during the Iran Contra Crisis)
If I had a guess, it would be that we expect many to follow to us, even though that doesn't happen as much in areas where we are hated. That and while I distrust him, the Iranian president seems to be trying to do things to help us (though I think it is a farce, my terrorism professor was mentioning he was one of the students who helped Kohmeni (SP?) during the Iran Contra Crisis)

Which once again proves my contention that the real problem with history is that nobody learns from it. "Well, they always told us to fuck off before but maybe they'll do what we tell them to this time."
Which raises the question: Why do we expect them to?

Because Amajihadman says he wants peace & tranquility to flow from the Mulsims hearts?

my terrorism professor was mentioning he was one of the students who helped Kohmeni (SP?) during the Iran Contra Crisis)

Then your terrorism prof should be considered a criminal. What the hell is a terrorism professor?
A professor of Criminal Justice/Criminology whose fied was terrorism and white collar crimes. He taught why some people fall into such groups, and means of stopping them. Course in your idea that should be illegal, it requires understanding the enemy and using their strengths against them and apparently the class should be illegal
Jiminiy Carter & his lack of understanding helped empower the Ayatollah Khomemi in the overthrow of the Shah, which can be argued as when the west first became a major target of Mulsiom terrorists. Anyone helping the Ayayollah should be considered a criminal.
Jiminiy Carter & his lack of understanding helped empower the Ayatollah Khomemi in the overthrow of the Shah, which can be argued as when the west first became a major target of Mulsiom terrorists. Anyone helping the Ayayollah should be considered a criminal.

That I can agree with.
Geeez, ok so Gonz misunderstood your post and thought your terrorism prof was a student helping Khomemi.
Ahmadinejad was one of five who planned the takeover of the US Embassay in Tehran in 1979:

Ahmadinejad was one of five who planned the takeover of the US Embassay in Tehran in 1979:


That was one of the things I learned in the terrorism course. It is partially why I have no trust for him, I think he still harbours the rancor towards us.