Time for math


New Member
There are 7 girls on a bus
Each girl has 7 backpacks
In each backpack, there are 7 big cats
For every big cat there are 7 little cats

Question: How many legs are there in the bus?
There are 7^4 little cats,
there are 7^3 big cats and
there are 7 girls.

So that's 7*2 + (7^4+7^3)*4 legs.

Edit: girls are "on a bus" yet you ask how many legs are "in the bus"?
That's a lot like the George Carlin routine about airports... when he mentions where they announce boarding, and something about getting on the plane. His response: "Fuck you! I'm getting IN the plane. Let Evil Knevil get ON the plane!"


I was half asleep but I said he'd have a smart reply...

and yeah, I did think of that one but I thought I'd let you have the glory. ;)

Question was, is there a driver or they sitting on the side of the road with noone at teh wheel?