Time to Get Out of Afghanistan

It takes some villages to build a nation, but sometimes you have to destroy the village to save it.
Or something along those lines...
it's amazing how you can consistently swoop in with this kind of bigger-context wisdom, put your finger on the exact proximate cause, and laugh at the foolish squabbling little ones.

And its amazing that you can't see the forest because of the trees.
As I said before, nobody here condescends as often and as well as Gato.

What Gato seems to refuse to even consider (or at least to talk about here) is that the US has zero altruism anymore. Hasn't in years, and it supported the Taliban because it was, at the time, in our selfish knee jerk view, in our best interest, regardless of how that effects Afghanis. We do not overthrow any government, including Iraq because of what is best for them, it is always about what we perceive as best for us. Any notion of saving them from tyranny is just justification after the fact. Sometimes it is even true that we do improve that nation's fortunes, but the fact is our leaders could not care less about that.

Don't get me wrong, I know we cannot police the world and we have to act in our leaders best interests, unless something radically changes the system. I am not even saying it is always a bad idea, just usually is. But lets call a spade a spade folks, how many times do we sit idly by, or are even hugely gracious to a nation is friendly to us, yet tyrannical to it's people?
Ok Gato, you think the reason we're there is because of broken Reagan promises.

But no, that isn't it. It's a really weird way to justify it.

Stand by them until they get on their feet? WTF? What if that takes a 50 years? We shouldn't have been there in the first place. You want to justify current wars by past dumb wars and it's not going to work.

I understand that you think we renegged on every deal we had made and we should talk about that. That is not why we're there now.
As I said before, nobody here condescends as often and as well as Gato.

What Gato seems to refuse to even consider (or at least to talk about here) is that the US has zero altruism anymore. Hasn't in years, and it supported the Taliban because it was, at the time, in our selfish knee jerk view, in our best interest, regardless of how that effects Afghanis. We do not overthrow any government, including Iraq because of what is best for them, it is always about what we perceive as best for us. Any notion of saving them from tyranny is just justification after the fact. Sometimes it is even true that we do improve that nation's fortunes, but the fact is our leaders could not care less about that.
It is also in Afghanistan's neighbors' best interest for Afghanistan to be stable.

Back when the Taliban was fighting the Soviets, villages were razed, people were round up and shot, and there was a mass exodus of Afghans across the border to Pakistan for safety (some found their way to the US, Canada and other countries as refugees). Pakistan was our ally and we entered this conflict for the benefit of the Afghan people, our ally (Pakistan) and to help fight "The Red Tide" (communism). The American people did not benefit directly, but we have since suffered for Reagan's broken promises.
And its amazing that you can't see the forest because of the trees.

and there you go again.

you really think no one but you understands that afghanistan has some history, that may have just kinda sorta helped shape the situation there now?

you think your cute little history lesson was something new to any of us here?

golly, you're so special...

What promises did Reagan break?

The CIA trained & assisted the mujahideen but were there any long term goals (outside of repelling the Soviets?)

Bush Sr pissed off the Pakistanis but I don't recall any Reagan promises.
and there you go again.

you really think no one but you understands that afghanistan has some history, that may have just kinda sorta helped shape the situation there now?

you think your cute little history lesson was something new to any of us here?

golly, you're so special...


That should be a smilie!
What promises did Reagan break?

The CIA trained & assisted the mujahideen but were there any long term goals (outside of repelling the Soviets?)

Bush Sr pissed off the Pakistanis but I don't recall any Reagan promises.

Saint Reagan shat gold and walked above the ground.
nah he's on the side of all-american guts and glory so he can name call all he wants, you stupid fucking librul!!!
I'm not explaining something I never posted. Ask the OP. Reagan was pretty pathetic in many areas, but moron conservatives, like many of you here, have sainted him What am I gonna do?
With the exception of perhaps spike I don't see anywhere near the hero worship for Clinton, more popular and prosperous than Raygun. I guess it just means you cons are more easily duped and more gullible and oh yeah....


And worse still much like....

Actually I've never seen spike high on Clinton, maybe Obama, but I am not sure it is anywhere near the dreamland fantasy you fuckes have with The Hollywood legacy....

He just defends Obama from what are almost always wildly exaggerated attacks.