Time to Get Out of Afghanistan

This conflict is an indirect result of a string of broken promises made back in the Reagan administration. When the Soviets were here, we promised the groups fighting them that we, as a nation, would stand by them when the fight was over to help them get back on their feet. As soon as their war was over, we balked at the cost of rebuilding their damaged infrastructure, and renegged on every deal we had made. Now here we are, 20 years later, fighting the very people we promised to help, and what do I see? Calls to abandon this country...yet again. Anybody else see a pattern here?

BTW...the cost of rebuilding their infrastructure starting 20 years ago would have cost less than half of what we're spending here today.

Oh wait isn't he on YOUR side? He offers historical narrative, in an extremely condescending manner and then you want others to explain it?
To anyone who asks anyone but the OP to explain!
Oh wait, I guess anyone who supports Gato's contentions, feel free to rake them over the coals, but I haven't got time for you folks who can't be troubled to review a thread before you start talking shit!
Were you having a bad day Gonz? Because I did, but I have walked the right side of the line I'm sure. If so I hope it gets better, this isn't personal, but call me stupid on a bad day is not only incorrect, but it is un-called for. I have never called anyone stupid here that I know of. There are lots of other words than are not totally personal. Stupid is personal.
I'm not explaining something I never posted. Ask the OP. Reagan was pretty pathetic in many areas, but moron conservatives, like many of you here, have sainted him What am I gonna do?

With the exception of perhaps spike I don't see anywhere near the hero worship for Clinton, more popular and prosperous than Raygun. I guess it just means you cons are more easily duped and more gullible and oh yeah....

Actually I've never seen spike high on Clinton, maybe Obama, but I am not sure it is anywhere near the dreamland fantasy you fuckes have with The Hollywood legacy....

He just defends Obama from what are almost always wildly exaggerated attacks.

Oh wait isn't he on YOUR side? He offers historical narrative, in an extremely condescending manner and then you want others to explain it?
To anyone who asks anyone but the OP to explain!

Were you having a bad day Gonz? Because I did, but I have walked the right side of the line I'm sure. If so I hope it gets better, this isn't personal, but call me stupid on a bad day is not only incorrect, but it is un-called for. I have never called anyone stupid here that I know of. There are lots of other words than are not totally personal. Stupid is personal.

Directly? I doubt it, but you are probably trying to bait some kind of trap, so show me the links!

Careful, you're going to go hoarse trying to duck the question with all that quacking.
and there you go again.

you really think no one but you understands that afghanistan has some history, that may have just kinda sorta helped shape the situation there now?

you think your cute little history lesson was something new to any of us here?

golly, you're so special...


Typical response by someone who is clueless. I never said that noone understands. I merely pointed out that we, as a country, abandoned the Afghan people before, which is why we're here now, and are proposing to abandon them again. Of course, you don't really see that as a problem because it isn't you cleaning up the mess now, and it won't be you cleaning it up again in about 20 years. Whatever world you reside in, the sarcasm is totally uncalled for, and the fact that you resorted to attacking the poster instead of the post proves my point for me. Of course, being an elitist such as yourself, you will also fail to come to grips with this post as well...
I never said that noone understands.

You guys are freaking hilarious.... Anybody else see a pattern here?

And its amazing that you can't see the forest because of the trees.

Typical response by someone who is clueless.

the reader is left to draw her or his own conclusion.

Whatever world you reside in, the sarcasm is totally uncalled for, and the fact that you resorted to attacking the poster instead of the post proves my point for me. Of course, being an elitist such as yourself, you will also fail to come to grips with this post as well...

so are you attempting self-parody here?

and really pal, who is the elitist when you're the one always posting shit about how others don't really understand the real picture?

oh, right, i'm the elitist because i make fun of parrots and cheerleaders. your arrogance, sir, runs at a much deeper level.

golly, could i possibly come to grips with your post.. i don't know, it might just be... over my head...
the reader is left to draw her or his own conclusion.

so are you attempting self-parody here?

Nope. Just being almost as scarcastic as you.

2minkey said:
and really pal, who is the elitist when you're the one always posting shit about how others don't really understand the real picture?

oh, right, i'm the elitist because i make fun of parrots and cheerleaders. your arrogance, sir, runs at a much deeper level.

golly, could i possibly come to grips with your post.. i don't know, it might just be... over my head...

Well. Struck a nerve, did I? Must be pretty close to the mark, then. You give the impression that you are a bastion of all things intelligent. Hence the elitist tag. You've done so consistently for quite some time. If anyone seems to disagree with your current 'rant of the day', and posts accordingly, you react with insults to their intelligence and their motives. Sounds like the definition to me...:shrug: I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong. :p
You give the impression that you are a bastion of all things intelligent. Hence the elitist tag. You've done so consistently for quite some time. If anyone seems to disagree with your current 'rant of the day', and posts accordingly, you react with insults to their intelligence and their motives. Sounds like the definition to me...:shrug: I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong. :p

Wow, it's like Gato is describing himself here but doesn't realize it.
OK Cerise, here's my defense: :flame:

The rest are aimed at specific people but insinuated:

NOT A VIOLATION OF THE AUP!!! (as I understand it anyway) and totally irrelevant as such.

So as I see it, I forgot about just one. Seriously though, glad to know so I don't make that boast again....
What is funny to me, is that if any of you knew me, well "you're and idiot!" is something I say all the time. I call other people idiots all the time. Anyone who knows me knows it is more than anything a joke. to listen to me if you didn't know me you'd think I hated everyone, but the joke is, that anyone who is different than me is an idiot. It is a joke in real life. Perhaps it has greater meaning in the context in which I wrote it, but I do not see idiot and nearly as close to a personal attack as calling one stupid, at least in the context I meant it in. Here are the definitions of idiot, foolish and stupid. I only included foolish as I see it as a descriptor of the word idiot.

Dictionary.com said:
   Show Spelled Pronunciation [id-ee-uh t] Show IPA
1. an utterly foolish or senseless person.
2. Psychology. a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.
1250–1300; ME < L idiōta < Gk idi tēs private person, layman, person lacking skill or expertise, equiv. to idiō- (lengthened var. of idio- IDIO-, perh. by analogy with stratiōtēs professional soldier, deriv. of stratiá army) + -tēs agent n. suffix

1. fool, half-wit; imbecile; dolt, dunce, numskull.

Dictionary.com said:

1. resulting from or showing a lack of sense; ill-considered; unwise: a foolish action, a foolish speech.
2. lacking forethought or caution.
3. trifling, insignificant, or paltry.
1250–1300; ME folish, foolish. See FOOL 1 , -ISH 1

Related forms:
fool⋅ish⋅ly, adverb
fool⋅ish⋅ness, noun

1, 2. senseless, vacant, vapid, simple, witless. Foolish, fatuous, silly, inane, stupid, asinine imply weakness of intellect and lack of judgment. Foolish implies lack of common sense or good judgment or, sometimes, weakness of mind: a foolish decision; The child seems foolish. Fatuous implies being not only foolish, dull, and vacant in mind, but complacent and highly self-satisfied as well: fatuous and self-important; fatuous answers. Silly denotes extreme and conspicuous foolishness; it may also refer to pointlessness of jokes, remarks, etc.: silly and senseless behavior; a perfectly silly statement. Inane applies to silliness that is notably lacking in content, sense, or point: inane questions that leave one no reply. Stupid implies natural slowness or dullness of intellect, or, sometimes, a benumbed or dazed state of mind; it is also used to mean foolish or silly: well-meaning but stupid; rendered stupid by a blow; It is stupid to do such a thing. Asinine originally meant like an ass; it applies to witlessly stupid conversation or conduct and suggests a lack of social grace or perception: He failed to notice the reaction to his asinine remarks. 1. imprudent, unreasonable, foolhardy, irrational; thoughtless, nonsensical, ridiculous, absurd, pointless, preposterous.

Dictionary.com said:
   Show Spelled Pronunciation [stoo-pid, styoo ] Show IPA adjective, -er, -est, noun–adjective
1. lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.
2. characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question.
3. tediously dull, esp. due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid party.
4. annoying or irritating; troublesome: Turn off that stupid radio.
5. in a state of stupor; stupefied: stupid from fatigue.
6. Slang. excellent; terrific.
7. Informal. a stupid person.
1535–45; < L stupidus = stup(ēre) to be numb or stunned + -idus -ID 4

Related forms:
stu⋅pid⋅ly, adverb
stu⋅pid⋅ness, noun