

Well-Known Member
It comes and goes, but sometimes the lag is absolutely horrendous, and sometimes I even get timeouts. It seems to really like to time out when I want to look at the latest details of Nixy's love life. :D

This is my fourth attempt to post this new thread (the other tries timed out).
fury knows about it, someone else has to fix it, it's not his fault, live with it.
Inky knows I <3 him

The "live with it" were my words, fury feels EXTREMELY bad about it but there's nothing he can do about it at this moment.
I knew it was just this site because all the rest of the sites I go to (other than xibase, on the same server) have been working fine.
I was blaming Bell. :lloyd:

On another note, I am trying to look at the Telus site to see if they have home bundles/home service and their site is sooooooooooooo sloooooooooooooooooooooooooow. Not good marketing.
It's out of memory, so when it loads up with users (sometimes a few hundred at a time), it just dies because it's using the hard drive for virtual memory, and that'll kill even the best server.

The guy who built the server is in Vegas at the moment (rather than near the datacenter in Boston). He's the one who can install the memory that it needs, but I can't even recall through our conversation logs what type of RAM it needs, so it'll have to wait until he can get back home to even find out what it is so he can buy it.

The server's only at 2 gigs right now, it needs to be roughly doubled. Seems to be doing OK at the moment since the reboot, but who knows...*knocks on wood* Not a good thing in the first place when you have to reboot Linux. >.<

I'm at work, won't be back home for another few hours. If it goes down again, I won't have a way to fix it til then. The proxy here is even more restrictive than it was when I worked here before, so I can't use any of my nifty administrative tools.
I was blaming Bell. :lloyd:

On another note, I am trying to look at the Telus site to see if they have home bundles/home service and their site is sooooooooooooo sloooooooooooooooooooooooooow. Not good marketing.

I don't think Telus does home service in Ontario
It probably would help quite a bit, if there are hundreds of "users" online at the same time.

I found that during working hours here, things tend to get slow... but when I browse here after 9 or 10 p.m. my time, the site is fast.