
The spiders aren't much of a problem - there's just another site on the server that's occasionally got 300+ concurrent (within a minute) users. The spiders crawling this site are not nearly as rampant - there's maybe 1 or 2 that are actually concurrent (within a minute), but the cookie timeout here is 3 hours (180 minutes)

Andy (andyt683 - generous guy that paid for most of the server <3) has bought 4 gigs more RAM (which will bring us to a total of 6) and another Opteron 2212 for the server (we already have one), and he will be able to get into the datacenter to install it at 6pm EST on Thursday. So, hopefully we'll be past this one last speed bump.

cool, I'll throw another penny in the pot, soon as I'm able.
<3 Thanks all

Server has been upgraded with the RAM, but the heatsink he got with the processor wouldn't fit, so he'll have to wait til later to install that one. It should be alright anyway, we've still got a dual core.

I boosted the maxclients back up, and the MySQL buffer settings. I'll watch over the memory usage like a hawk, but I think an extra 4 gigs will be perfectly fine. =D
Whenever I have a loading problem here I have the same problem at racing-Forums. I'm guessing you both have the same servers?
Whenever I have a loading problem here I have the same problem at racing-Forums. I'm guessing you both have the same servers?

That would be correct sir. Pick a category and an amount please. ;)

BTW fury, it does seem fine now. :D