

New Member
i have one question on tipping ...

my company is having an art exhibit, and we're renting the upstairs of a fancy restaurant for said exhibit. i'm the unoffical curator and went downstairs to the restaurant to order a dessert to-go (so that i could take it upstairs).

[side note, i paid $8 for a bread pudding - but dammit, that was the best bread pudding i've had]

anywho, when i paid for it with my credit card, i was wondering, was i supossed to leave a tip? i mean, it's not like a sat down and dined in the restaurant. i took my bread pudding in its little plastic container upstairs to the art exhibit.

should i have left a tip?
Probably, but not necessarily the 20+%. No waitress service, but in most places the kitchen staff gets a cut. My general rule is to tip 10% in that situation. It can hardly hurt.
I'm with homie, I'll tip for take out at a restaraunt where I'd tip for sit down service, but at a reduced rate. The folks at the chinese place always seem a little surprised.

No thank you.

I'm British! :evilcool:

Let the buggers work for a wage....same as the rest of us
having run a (sort of) restaurant i can tell you that tip for counter service are few and far between and always come as a pleasant surprise....so don't feel obligated but if you feel so inclined- cool beans!!
What I hate is "mandatory gratuity" put on your bill. I haven't experienced this yet, but there was some talk about implementing it where I live.

That's just not right. Tips are not mandatory. A tip is a token of appreciation for good service.
Good service=good tip
poor service=no tip (or maybe a smaller tip)
extremely BAD service=a penny

If restaurants turn to mandatory gratuity, that would give the servers license to be rude and mean. Because why would they care? They're still getting their tip.
The only mandatory gratuity around here is for large parties, and I can understand why they do that, it's so much they can't afford to lose that.
Yeah, here they add it on for parties larger than 6 to 10, depending on the place.

Personally, if the service for a party that large is good, I'd think that 15% was cheap.
HomeLAN said:
Yeah, here they add it on for parties larger than 6 to 10, depending on the place.

Personally, if the service for a party that large is good, I'd think that 15% was cheap.
Me too. I've been involved in setting up a couple of those, and while I don't like the idea of precalculated gratuities, I understand why they do it. If the service was really good (more than once) I added another ten percent.

*Notes that when he first saw this thread he was very much afraid that it would be about cows.*
HomeLAN said:
Yeah, here they add it on for parties larger than 6 to 10, depending on the place.

Personally, if the service for a party that large is good, I'd think that 15% was cheap.

15% for parties over 4 in some places here. And the people are bastards too. We stopped going to the places that do it. I guess in a way I can't blame them, because you could be the nicest waiter/waitress and get no tip because the guy you served was an asshole. Plus they don't make much.

On the other hand, no need to be a jackass because you're getting your money anyway.
all the places i have waited have included gratuity on large orders simply because the individuals are not usually picking up the tab and they sometimes forget about the gratuity. the waiter/waitress that attends to a large party generally sacrifices other tables for the large one and if they get stiffed it seriously can dramatically cut back on what they earn in a night. generally the automatic gratuity is 15% which is less than an average tip...i almost always was slid some extra cheddar from the parties (but i am a good waitress and a hell of a flirt :shrug: ) i think that it's a good way of ensuring the waitstaff is compensated for the extra effort of a large party but not so much of a tip that they become complacent about their level of attentiveness.
pc_builder said:
If restaurants turn to mandatory gratuity, that would give the servers license to be rude and mean. Because why would they care? They're still getting their tip.

Welcome to the rest of the world. :shrug:
What I think is ballsy is when a place has a mandatory gratuity on any size order, and then has a place on the credit card slip for you to leave an extra tip.
Inkara1 said:
What I think is ballsy is when a place has a mandatory gratuity on any size order, and then has a place on the credit card slip for you to leave an extra tip.

Hmmm...Does that mean you don't have to pay if you don't like the service? Sounds reasonable to me...;)
15% in general (easy to calculaet because it's also the tax that you'll be paying) for sit-down/served meals. For take-away...I don't often give tips, unless it's a spare quarter or two that I got back in change.
Bars - now there's an art in itself. You want good, fast service in a bar but with 20-30 people clammoring for attention from the barkeep, you'd better be prepared to wait..unless, of course, waiting cramps your style.

My suggestion...tip BIG the first time s/he serves you...then drop it back to 20% or so. I usually tip 100% the first drink...that catches their eye, and keep their eye firmly on you when you amble over for a drink for yourself (if you're alone) or for that smashing blonde in the corner (if you don't plan to be that night).

the extra $8 for the beer is worth the extra-fast service alone...and if you're a regular, doing it more than a few visits in a row will get you fast service for the next couple of times that you visit, wether you tip big that night or not. :D On occasion...it'll also get you a nice conversation with the nice lady behind the counter, a few smiles, a phone number and some free shooters. :)

The sex is a fringe benefit :D
