tired and sad

Luis G said:
With time you will learn that there are many men out there that knows far more about women than many women. ;)

heh...Luis, I'm afraid thats like a monkey saying to a fish that they know more about living in the ocean than they do...:hmm:
tank girl said:
Well duh, thats because you're male. Having no comparative female experience to draw from you don't have much right to comment.
Luis G said:
As I said, it'll take time for you to realize that.

Then I suppose the same could be said in reverse about women and men?

Imagine how much flak I'd get if I said...
"With time you will learn that there are many women out there that know far more about men than many men"

Even I wouldn't make such a stupid assumption.

I'm not a monkey, so how on earth would I be able to come to any definate understanding about what monkeys think and do? Sure, you could learn a certain amount through observation and interactio and you could hold pretty close to your opinions - but then that wouldn't neccesarily mean that you could be 100% certain you knew more about them than they actually did themselves.

But then again, to turn that analogy completely inside-out, in a realistic scenario humans can basically claim that they do know more about monkeys than they do simply because of the fact that we are more advanced than monkeys in terms of intelligence (though some might still disagree :p) .

Saying "With time you will learn that there are many men out there that knows far more about women than many women" is close to saying that "men are more intelligent than women." sexist, ignorant and outright WRONG.
tank girl said:
"With time you will learn that there are many women out there that know far more about men than many men"

That's also true.

What's the big problem, aren't we all humans? isn't every head a different world? don't we all share a great load of emotions and culture? Couple the knowledge gained from experience and you sure as hell can have men and women knowing more about the opposite sex than many janes/joes.

I'll put an extreme example just for clear that up to you: a father knows more about women than his 8yo daughter. That should do it, if it doesn't you're hopeless.

You get so upset because you are the one making assumptions that men are smarter than women, something I NEVER SAID. Are you sure there are no projections with those assumptions?
When does the official Battle of the Sexes begin around here? I've got the rope for tug-of-war.

Or was that Battle of the Network Stars? :lloyd:
She mentioned rope and sex together heh heh.

Not to worry Tanky we've never met you in person
but those of us that have lived life
have you all figgered out.
tank girl said:
I need a guy to treat me like a human being.

Damn right. I wanna be treated like a human being too.

I need somebody to hold.

warm embrace is rather nice.

I need a cat.

I love pussy(s) too.

I need chocolate.

No, you don't.

I need a cigarette.

I'll join you.

I need alcohol.

I'll join you

I need sex.

Thought you'd never ask.

ArrrrGH if only my life could be simple. life sucks :shrug: I hate feeling like this. blahblahblah

The most simple life will ever get for you is by sitting on a chair and typing on a message board proclaiming how simple life isn't.

You aren't over muddled in life, you're just drowning in ennui and that is causing you to do something which most people do when falling in their own pool of tedium: Exaimining their life. The more you sit around and don't do what you wish, the more you wonder and think and analyze.

I am not advocating mindless activity to distract your growing dissatisfaction with life but sitting around being docile isn't an option either.

You want sex? I've seen you, it isn't hard for you, trust me. You want to be held? Why? No one can deny the rush of physical contact but wanting to be held just to feel happy is wrong. You should be your center of happiness.

You want chocolate? No, you want some sort of pleasurable stimulation....chocolate isn't a good substitute.

Do something that challenges you. Turn the haphazard mixture of thoughts into persistent frustration towards achieving a goal. Focusing your energy is hard, but a great and rewrading experience. I do it with a guitar....you choose your medium.
Funneh how the few of us that have experienced what you evidently seem to be attempting to refer too know that we might indeed be in the minority.

It is too easy to take something you've 'had' for more than 20+ years totally for granted.

Yesterday my Wife got werd that her Sis in Newport Beach will have to undergo either a stint or (let's hope not) bypass surgery. She wanted to drive right away but I held her up til the morning. So I bid her farewell on her 350 mile trip to be with her Sis.

I might have been apart from her for 45 days in the last 8,000 but in someway this is somehow different......... :shrug:

The way you feel towards your sig other evolves of the years.
tank girl said:
I'm not a monkey, so how on earth would I be able to come to any definate understanding about what monkeys think and do? Sure, you could learn a certain amount through observation and interactio and you could hold pretty close to your opinions - but then that wouldn't neccesarily mean that you could be 100% certain you knew more about them than they actually did themselves.

I just noticed something I wanted to point out. Your argument against Luis' analogy is a little strained. Men and women are more alike than humans and monkeys, or monkeys and fish for that matter.

And don't give me any of that "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" logic. Yes, women and men are very different from each other, but at least we have the ability to communicate on a complex intellectual level. You could argue that we can communicate with monkeys, but then, we aren't trying to mate with monkeys, or go on dates with them. And monkeys aren't trying to mate with fish, at least not to my knowledge. And yes, my poor attempts at humor are just that. Poor attempts.

Oh and I'm not saying Luis is right or wrong, or that you are right or wrong. It just irks me when someone tries to dismiss a reasonable argument with an argument that makes less logical sense in the context of the current conversation. But I do realize you were just trying to get a point across.

But then Luis responded to something to said.
tank girl said:
"With time you will learn that there are many women out there that know far more about men than many men"
And I'll echo him. The reverse of his statement is also be true. I don't claim to know more about women than many women. I suppose more than an 8 year old, but other wise, I know nothing about women. I'm just as lonely. I can't say it's without its merits. But it would be nice to have someone to hold.

I think the whole reason I was responding in the first place was because I agreed with your first post. In that I felt I was in the same boat.

And I don't dislike you. I don't even know you... Hi, my name is pc_builder. I don't think we've met. Maybe I should have started with that. *peace*
Luis G said:
As I said, it'll take time for you to realize that.

Dedicated to TG

A COUPLE MORE YEARS - Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show

I've got a couple more years on you, babe...that's all.
I've had more chances to fly and more places to fall.
And it ain't that I'm wiser...
It's only that I've spent more time with my back to the wall.
And I've picked up a couple more years on you, babe.. that's all.

I've walked a couple more roads than you, babe...that's all.
And I'm tired of runnin' while you're only learning to crawl.
And you're headin somewhere...
But I've been to somewhere... and found it was nowhere at all.
And I've picked up a couple of years on you babe... that's all.