Tit ... meet Tat


Well-Known Member
Just a reminder on how Obama feathers his nest on both sides, Obama now claims credit for the success of Iraq after having declared the war lost two years prior.

First he says that a sovereign, stable, self-reliant Iraq is impossible and then states that we have made important progress in supporting a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq.

It can't be won:

OBAMA FEBRUARY 10, 2007: It's time to admit that no amount of American lives will resolve the political disagreement that lies at the heart of someone else's civil war.

(Wild applause)

That's why I have a plan that will bring our combat troops home March of 2008. Let the Iraqis know, letting the Iraqis know that we will not be there forever is our last best hope to pressure the Sunni and Shi'a to come to the table and find peace.

Interesting that he believes that the Sunni and Shi'a will do after we leave what they never did before we ever got there.

We won:

OBAMA, JUNE 30, 2009: Those who have tried to pull Iraq into the abyss of disunion and civil war are on the wrong side of history. Finally, the very fact that Iraqis are celebrating this day is a testament to the courage, the capability, and commitment of every single American who has served in Iraq.

That's worth applauding. (applause) Through tour after tour of duty our troops have overcome every obstacle to extend this precious opportunity to the Iraqi people. We've made important progress in supporting a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq; and everyone who served there, both in uniform as well as our civilians, uh, deserves our thanks.

Now THAT'S a hypocrite.
Would this be the same guy who stood silently as the Iranian civilains took to the streets in protest of a fake vote, only then sided with Hugo Chavez when a leftist President (who ran as a moderate) attempted to rewrite their constitution?

Pres Obama said:
I want them to know that we in the United States do not want to make any decisions for the Iranians, but we do think the Iranian people and their voices should be heard and respected.

Pres Obama said:
We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the president of Honduras, the democratically elected president there

Stand with the socialists but speak passively against a grave injustice.
W00T! Getting out of Iraq. Awesome.

While support for Zelaya's return to power is unanimous in the international community, some countries have warned that the timing is not right and have suggested that it would be more prudent to reach a compromise first.

The delegation sent by Micheletti could also prove problematic because U.S. officials cannot meet with members of a government Washington does not recognize as legitimate, State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said.

Kelly added that the Obama administration "deplored the use of force against demonstrators" in Tegucigalpa and called on "the de facto regime and all actors in Honduras to refrain from all acts of violence." He reiterated that the U.S. goal was to restore "the democratic order" in Honduras and see "the return of the democratically elected president."


Rush Limbaugh on Obama Wanting to Stay in Office Past 2016

You have to wonder if Obama is just trying to lay a foundation for not being a hypocrite when he tries to serve beyond 2016. I wouldn't be at all surprised if in the next number of years there is a move on the 22nd Amendment, which term limits the President of the United States. He may not do it that way, he may not openly try to change the Constitution. But there might be this movement in the country from his cult-like followers to support the notion that a democratically-elected leader who is loved and adored has carte blanc once elected. Just serve as long as he wants because the people demand it, because the people want it, because the people love it.

And I wouldn't put it past Obama to be plotting right now how to serve beyond 2016 and I think the way he's reacting to what's happening in Honduras - Look, they've got a constitution, they're a democratically-elected set of officials down there and you had a guy running the country, Mel Zelaya, who was just going to basically rip that country's democracy to shreds and the country moved in to stop in him from doing it and Obama sides with the guy who wanted to rip up the constitution. He sides with other dictators in the region. Regardless, I mean, one thing is clear here: Obama is nothing if not a hardcore liberal. Always, always more sympathetic, appearing to side with the bad guys on the world stage.

And I'll tell you folks, this business about running beyond 2016, you know, the thing that when you look at Obama's followers - and we've discussed it here - they are a cult-like bunch and their attachment to him is not political, it's not ideological, it is not issue-wise, it is cultish. It includes a wide percentage of minorities, by the way, who for different reasons, who will come to think that he simply cannot be replaced. Let him succeed with amnesty, for example, and all the illegal aliens who are instantly made citizens. He'll be too important. Just like right now he's too big to fail as far as the drive-bys are concerned, he's too important to be replaced. No one else can lead the nation, they will say. And they won't care a whit about the legalities that might be trampled. Half of the legalities if they don't even know about them because they haven't been properly educated. I think this situation in Honduras is very instructive. Anybody who thinks that he intends to just constitutionally go away in 2016 is nuts ... These are people who seek power for reasons other than to serve. They seek to rule.

Read White House comments on a third Obama term here.
Osama leader for life!
Dats duh way dey doit in Africa!
a course dey gots a unique way of changing leadership too
Dey want U.S. to be moar like duh 3rd werld, lets go all the way
support for Zelaya's return to power is unanimous in the international community

The same int'l community that would support his overthrow of his nations constitution?
The same int'l community that would support his overthrow of his nations constitution?

Nope. You just need to do a little reading before you make up crap.

They support his return as the democratically elected president but do not support removing term limits that would allow him to run again in November. The facts make you and Jim look pretty silly....and Rush, can't forget how dumb Rush looks.
The court said no. The legislature said no. The army removed him before he could issue an executive order (he's already fired many people who opposed him)

He's a leftist dictator.
So you're saying the international community actually does not support the overthrow of his nations constitution.
So you're saying the international community actually does not support the overthrow of his nations constitution.

The international community supports peace at all costs. Pretty stupid plan.