Tit ... meet Tat

Yep, Rush is still a moron.

Ah, but he knows of what he speaks. That effort is already in the works.


What Gibbs Said Monday About an Obama Third Term

Q Does the President support New York Democrat Congressman José Serrano's House joint resolution number five? (Laughter.)

MR. GIBBS: You're going to find I tend to get it mixed up with House joint resolution four and six. So I'd have to, at the conclusion of our time together here today, Lester --

Q That's the repeal of the -- wait a minute. It's the repeal of the 22nd Amendment. Does he support this -- because Steny Hoyer in 2006 came out in favor of it -- does he support the repeal of the 22nd Amendment or not, Robert?

MR. GIBBS: This is to serve more -- this is for two terms? Is that the --

Q That's right.

MR. GIBBS: I think the President is firmly in support of an amendment that would limit his time in the presidency to eight years if he's given that awesome responsibility by the American people.
Nope. You just need to do a little reading before you make up crap.

They support his return as the democratically elected president but do not support removing term limits that would allow him to run again in November. The facts make you and Jim look pretty silly....and Rush, can't forget how dumb Rush looks.

The funniest part of that post is that this guy is trying to do what your sig line says. Don't you even read your own stuff?

Here, let me reiterate that for you so it is here for posterity.

The calculus that all dictators employ to aggregate power: "Invoke an external and internal threat; develop the paramilitary force; create a secret prison system; surveil ordinary citizens; arbitrarily detain and released them; harass citizens' groups; target writers, entertainers, and other key individuals for dissenting; intimidate the press; recast dissent as "treason" and criticism as "espionage"; and eventually subvert the rule of law."
Now let's take that into the Obama camp, shall we?

The calculus that all dictators employ to aggregate power: "Invoke an external and internal threat;

The report that came out recently condemning Conservatives as terrorists for having the wrong bumper stickers.

develop the paramilitary force;

In the works.

create a secret prison system;

Not yet.

surveil ordinary citizens;

Barack Obama, who promised during the primaries to uphold the Constitution and end Bush's spying programs if elected President, flip flopped and announced that he would support the law to allow government spying against American citizens without a search warrant.

arbitrarily detain and released them;

Coming soon.

harass citizens' groups;

Only if they are not Left wingers or Muslims.

target writers,

Ann Coulter, Bernie Goldberg ...


Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity ...

and other key individuals for dissenting;

Mark Stein ...

intimidate the press;

Rick Santelli, Jim Cramer ...

recast dissent as "treason" and criticism as "espionage";

Again, that silly report

and eventually subvert the rule of law."

“The original Constitution as well as the Civil War Amendments,” he replied. “But I think it is an imperfect document, and I think it is a document that reflects some deep flaws in American culture, the Colonial culture nascent at that time.

“African-Americans were not -- first of all they weren’t African-Americans -- the Africans at the time were not considered as part of the polity that was of concern to the Framers. I think that as Richard said it was a ‘nagging problem’ in the same way that these days we might think of environmental issues, or some other problem where you have to balance cost-benefits, as opposed to seeing it as a moral problem involving persons of moral worth.

“And in that sense,” Obama continued, “I think we can say that the Constitution reflected an enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day, and that the Framers had that same blind spot. I don’t think the two views are contradictory, to say that it was a remarkable political document that paved the way for where we are now, and to say that it also reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day.”

--Barack Obama

"But the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth," he complained. "And sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society. And to that extent, I think, as radical as people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted it in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties, says what the states can't do to you, says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf, and that hasn't shifted, and one of the, I think, the tragedies of the Civil Rights movement was, because the Civil Rights movement became so court focused, I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. And, ah, in some ways we still suffer from that."
-- Barack Obama, 2001 interview with Chicago Public Radio

"firmly in support of an amendment that would limit his time in the presidency to eight years"

You always decry opinion pieces but are ready and willing to leap on this guy's opinion as fact. Let's look at the part that you conveniently chose to leave out.

"I think the President is firmly in support of an amendment that would limit his time in the presidency to eight years ..."
Now let's take that into the Obama camp, shall we?

The report that came out recently condemning Conservatives as terrorists for having the wrong bumper stickers.

Highly inaccurate.

In the works.

Nope, but Bush did that with Blackwater.

Bush did it.

Barack Obama, who promised during the primaries to uphold the Constitution and end Bush's spying programs if elected President, flip flopped and announced that he would support the law to allow government spying against American citizens without a search warrant.

Yes, Obama should end it. But it's good to know you acknowledge Bush screwed up with that one.

Coming soon.

Bush did it.

Only if they are not Left wingers or Muslims.

Actually you're lying there. But Bush did it.

Ann Coulter, Bernie Goldberg ...

In reality Obama is not targeting Coulter or Goldberg.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity ...Mark Stein ...

Again no.

Rick Santelli, Jim Cramer ...

More BS

Again, that silly report

In which he does not subvert the rule of law.
Do you have any evidence that Obama supports it? No you don't.

But I like that you think people would elect him two more times. ;)