Titanic revisted


molṑn labé
Staff member
An Egyptian ferry carrying about 1,300 people sank in the Red Sea early Friday during bad weather, and rescue ships and helicopters pulled dozens of survivors and bodies from the water. Some 180 escaped on lifeboats, an official said.

Most of the passengers were Egyptian workers returning from their jobs in Saudi Arabia. At least four Saudi and four Egyptian ships were involved in the search effort, arriving about 10 hours after the 35- year-old ferry was believed to have sank.

Gotta love them trusting souls
Egypt has thus far declined international offers of search and rescue assistance, including an offer from the Israel Navy.
Jeruslame Post

Tis better to have sailed & lost than to show the truth
Allah is vengeful after the lack of a proper jihad response to the cartoon episode... that or 'shit happens'... I can't quite read the die inside my magic 8 Ball.

With an 80% loss of life, I am led to assume that they don't teach people to swim in Egypt? I dare say the Red Sea shouldn't be fatal cold for the mid 60s; perhaps it was shark infested waters?
unclehobart said:
Allah is vengeful after the lack of a proper jihad response to the cartoon episode... that or 'shit happens'... I can't quite read the die inside my magic 8 Ball.

With an 80% loss of life, I am led to assume that they don't teach people to swim in Egypt? I dare say the Red Sea shouldn't be fatal cold for the mid 60s; perhaps it was shark infested waters?

most people don't even learn to read, let alone swim...
didn't the sinking occur in the middle of the sea? even if you can swim, floating about for a day is not quite good...
water is 20-ish degrees, but even if it were 30, if you stay in it long enough you'll get hypothermia anyway. just a matter of time.
Re: the operation of the ferry

"3rd werld nations are notorious for not being up to code"
Yeah... no float vests. That's always a sure sign of an impending disaster.

The worst thing was that is was happening right at sunset making a rescue 5 times harder.

I'm sure its the fault of the US somehow.
Winky said:
Re: the operation of the ferry

"3rd werld nations are notorious for not being up to code"

The good thing is that New Orleans was up to the code :p
unclehobart said:
Allah is vengeful after the lack of a proper jihad response to the cartoon episode... that or 'shit happens'... I can't quite read the die inside my magic 8 Ball.
I just now saw this...
man that's a good one :lol2:
New Orleans has been sinking into the muck for 200 years. It is a friggin muckity bog of river silt and dead plants. The darn thing is about to topple into the ocean as it is. The whole thing should have been rebuilt inland at least 15 miles and then converted into a shipping hub staffed by no more than 20,000. No amount of walls could save it in the long run. Its a money pit.
At the current rate, 20k may be a bit larger than it will ever get.
A tidal wave hits in the 3rd werld and 270,000 people die

An earthquke hits the 3rd werld and 80,000 die

A massive hurricane hits the US and 1,200 die and those
were the ones that didn't heed the warnings

The story's the same only the nationality changes
The Rolling Stones are still touring 20 years past their talent curve... and we all die a little on the inside.