fury said:Don't you think that's a load of bullshit? 16kb upload for 400kb/s download?
Yes. Understanable however. It's one way to assure there are fewer or no servers being run.
fury said:Don't you think that's a load of bullshit? 16kb upload for 400kb/s download?
pc_builder said:Actually, my phone company also sells "fractional T1" line service. I don't know what that means and I don't know what the prices or speeds are. I'll have to look into it.
tommyj27 said:* starts digging in the backyard looking for a fddi loop to tap.
samcurry said:yet another test
2003-10-23 00:31:18 EST: 306 / 121
Your download speed : 306797 bps, or 306 kbps.
A 37.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 121322 bps, or 121 kbps.
I suspect your computer was hijacked to host a porn site or something. It happens.Bungi said:I hate Australia, $79.95/month (Australian) for 512k cable... WITH A GODDAMN 3GB DOWNLOAD LIMITafter the limit they cap the speed to 28.8k for the rest of the month, so I'm on slower than dial-up right now because something (I honestly don't know what) used up all my limit in the first 4 days of the month :crying: I complained and they sent me a usage log that says my comp was uploading and downloading at a rate of 800kbps constantly for 4 days straight... needless to say I've been monitoring my usage VERY closely since then.
Kawaii said:I suspect your computer was hijacked to host a porn site or something. It happens.
Bungi said:That's what I suspect too. It wiuldn't bother me to much if it didn't result in me being on 28.8k for the rest of the month![]()
samcurry said:DSL does offer a 256up and 1.5 down for 54.99 a month too.
pc_builder said:Wow.That's just ridiculous. Here, I'm paying around $40/month for DSL. Getting 384 up and down, a static IP, and very reliable.
samcurry said:I am currently running a cable modem at home. download speeds are ok but more people are signing up and im am slowing down. I pay 55.00 a month for this with no actual cable tv, just internet.
I can get DSL 128 upload and 512 download from the local Phone company now. Their price is 39.99 for 12 months. But this is also a 12 month contract with them, where cable is a month to month contract.
If you were in my position which would you choose?
DSL does offer a 256up and 1.5 down for 54.99 a month too.
already?!samcurry said:OK well i did it. im on DSL now. I will do some testing and see if i need to upgrade to the 1.5 down. but so far it doesnt feel any different im still D/Ling the same speeds so ...... and i seem to move a little quicker while d/l.