To everyone....

Nice pussy, and a lovely pear. LL is everything a man wants in a woman.


27[1].jpg, 17.47kb

HeXp£Øi± said:
Because they asked the assailents if they used porn to get worked up for the crime. 41% said yes.

But that's not what they said, and even then, if that's the case, then I'd have to think the other 59% are lying, or don't realize that they did.
I just don't think you can use this as a link to crime, true it may influence some people, but there are millions of subcribers to porn magazines, and the Internet has made it even easier to access porn, more hardcore than what we could find growing up, without going to the sleazy porn shops. There's just got to be some other contributing factor they are overlooking here.
PuterTutor said:
Definitly interesting though, but I don't quite get how they say

The Michigan State Police department found that pornography is used or imitated in 41 percent of the sex crimes they have investigated.

Well, yeah, it's a sex crime, it could also be said that 100% of sex crimes have something to do with sex. It just seems to be oriented toward those that want to outlaw porn, and they are bending their numbers to show what they want to show.

Thank you very much. The fact is that Bundy and his ilk are warped individuals. If it hadn't been porn that set things in motion it would've been something else. Hell, he was already circling the subject like a moth with a flame when he was working with rape prevention groups.