To spray or not to spray...that is the question.

Do you spray?

  • I spray if there is something there.

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • Forget spraying, let them suffer.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • I don't number 2 at people's houses.

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Let's say that you are visiting a friend's or relative's house and you need to use the bathroom. Badly, and it's a number 2 on deck. You do your business and realize that a certain stink has taken over the entire bathroom. There is a can of air freshner Glade spray on the toliet tank or on the counter.

Do you spray or let the people that have invited you over to thier house live with the awful smell that you have produced?

THe reason that I ask this is because every Monday night, Erik has his friends over for "geek night" where they play role playing games and other computer junk I don't uncerstand. A certain member of this entourage constantly eats (with his mouth open I might add) and because of this, he constantly needs to make a doodie in the potty. His stink is the worst bathroom smell I have ever smelled in my 24 years of life. Being pregnant with a heightened sense of smell does not help my sensitivity and gag reflex upon smelling this seventh world wonder that somehow escaped this man's anus. I made a special trip to the store and bought a Glade air freshener spray and placed it on the toliet tank two weeks ago. It got moved from the tank to the bathroom counter, yet was still in PLAIN view from every area of the bathroom including the toliet. This person did NOT use the spray after unleashing this weapon of stink. I plugged my nose, sprayed the spray and turned on the fan (which he also doesn't do). I then placed the can of air freshner on the toliet tank so that it would nearly fall onto him next time he needed to sit on the throne. He went in there, did some more stinky business and DID NOT spray! I do not understand this concept. He has to know that his shit stinks, everyone else in the free world, and some parts outside, know this.

How do I get him to spray without being rude?
I usually don't do 2 at other houses, but if I had to and the spray was there, I'd definitively spray the bathroom modestly if I knew the pestilence was strong.

I guess it's just a matter of education, some people will never learn.
take him aside and ask him nicely to please use the spray after using the bathroom.
if he still doesnt get the hint, barge into the game area and tell him to go spray the bathroom.
Spot said:
take him aside and ask him nicely to please use the spray after using the bathroom.
if he still doesnt get the hint, barge into the game area and tell him to go spray the bathroom.

Or since he plays those role game shit, you could ask him: "did you just casted the putrefact cloud spell on the bathroom?"
Luis G said:
Or since he plays those role game shit, you could ask him: "did you just casted the putrefact cloud spell on the bathroom?"

or "Dude ,I think that troll up your ass has died" :D

I would definatly spray,if it was available.
Luis G said:
Or since he plays those role game shit, you could ask him: "did you just casted the putrefact cloud spell on the bathroom?"

:lol: They would all prolly wonder where I came up with something like that. I am SO not a RPG person. :lloyd:
I would spray if the spray were right there. Then it would smell like a steaming pile of crap in the middle of a springtime mountain meadow, or smell like someone shit on a pine tree, or smell like someone filled the toilet with no. 2 and stirred in some vanilla extract.
My advice... depending on your relationship with your man, his sense of humour and how friendly you are with his RPG possie... play the TomBoy.

Next time this guy does the dirty simply pick up the can spray liberally around the house noisily and say summit along the lines of..

"Jesus mates name! Wow! Think they should hire you out as a biolological weapon! *Laugh smile* Sorry.. *touch arm* but me being up the duff has started to make me a little smell sensitive... so if you don't mind *spray air freshener as demo*"

Go in there guns blazing... blokes never get subtle... most think its a new perfume by Dior! :rolleyes:

My bloke would expect nothing less from me... :shrug:

Failing that ask your bloke to ask his mate to "go pooh pooh" before he comes round!!!!!
Definitely SPRAY.....As for trying to be polite about asking your guest to spray...hmmmm, since it has been numerous times, and he still don't get the idea, and it seems to be a "guys" night, I suggest asking or telling Eric to say something to him. Guys sometimes have a way with words like that. Then if he still doesnt get the hint, you definitely have to say something.
Maybe like, Look, being pregnant and all, smells REALLY aggrivate my belly and could you please use the freshener after your business, thanks much. Or come walking out with the freshener and say "hey, what do you all think about this smell, and spray the room, and then say, THINK I'LL GO SPRAY THE BATHROOM NOW!!!!!".
"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger." ;)

*Note that the entire country of India probably smells worse than that.*
Under those circumstances, I wouldn't spray, but I'd kick on the fan. Some folks (me included) choke on the stink of that spray shit.

OTOH, if no fan existed and the spray was out, I'd use it as a gesture of respect.
Let them bask in the ambiance. :grinyes: I hate that spray. I'd use the fan, but not the spray.

BTW...chances are, that guy has no sense of smell. He eats with his mouth open so he can breathe. Allergies can do that, ya know?
I'm not sure I fully understand the situation.
Tell your significant other
"I don't want that Rat-Bastard in my house ever again"
Problem solved.
Erik's friend? Make it Erik's problem.

On the other hand, the moment he arrives, go turn the fan on, and leave it on.
here in the dorms me Ike and Chris sprayed each other while we were shitting. it got the message across. Or go there after he is done and spray after