To the people of non-specified gender an not in USA...


Do you use a localized version of Windows? This question has two parts. For those from English speaking countries, when you installed Windows, did you choose your own country's regional settings? Ie so that the dates appear DD Month Year instead of Month DD, Year?

For those from non-English speaking countries, did you install the localized language version of Windows? Ie Dutch?

I'm just curious... My Windows is US-English.

EDIT: Screw you. The server is located in Indiana, and thus anyone outside of the USA are foreigners.
Nixy said:
My windows is Canadian English :D
No different fom the US English version except that the long date is "November 1, 2002" (CAN) instead of "Friday, November 1, 2002" (US). :p
NO, there are MANY setting that I change in setup. More than just date.
oh, and why are WE foreigners? you're just as foreign to us as we are to you.

to the non-canadians and americans would be better ;)

i feel offended. :p
So was I. His rationale must be 'everyone but him' equates to foreigner.

Coulda swore this board was a global community.
yeah, everybody in this board is a foreigner, unless they live in the same city where the server is located.

windows 98, spanish
win2k, spanish
linux mdk9, english/spanish
Scanty said:
Shadowfax said:
oh, and why are WE foreigners?

that's what i thought. I entered expecting to find out who we are foreigners from.
From the USA... the server is located there.

And to the rest, please just answer the question, if you want to discuss foreigners vs non-foreigners, start a new thread, but I'd like to keep this one on topic since I find it interesting.
Luis G said:
yeah, everybody in this board is a foreigner, unless they live in the same city where the server is located.
No, the definition of foreigner is "a person belonging to or owing allegiance to a foreign country". Since the server is in USA, foreigners are from outside the USA.

But that is fucking beside the point. I know 99.999995% of Americans has theirs set to US English. And I don't wanted to sound disciminatory again by saying "to all non-Americans". So stop bitching about trivial things such as these please? :rolleyes:
PuterTutor said:
Canadian and American are not races, they are nationalities.
Then I will get crucified on nationalism again, of called a Nazi. I can't open my mouth with relation to those kinds of things or people crucify me. :rolleyes:

Just stick to the orignal question please, I'm really itchy to know.