To thine own self be true?

To thine own self be true?

  • I don't fake it...ever!

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • I push harder when pushed

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • I turn it down when it's getting out of hand

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • I love being radical on OTC but not IRL

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • other

    Votes: 5 18.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
My 5,000 post - thought to make it a good one.

This tends to be aimed more at the posters in the RW more so than those who avoid it like the plague.

I find myself playing the devil's advocate in order to help bring out the thinking and rationalizations of others rather than to further my own point of view. That is, I will post from a stronger point of view than that I actually feel and will, on occasion, post something contradictory to what I truly believe.

I have been painted as a die-hard bleeding-heart Liberal on occasion and I'll admit that I've posted as such. I'm not that Liberal though, but putting out the Liberal ideology at an extreme level seems to bring out the discussion more than just riding the fence on any issue. Frankly, if everyone agrees..there is no argument and no discussion...and that's just not fun.

Have you found yourself pushing the issue further than your own ideologies, either to bring out discussion or in order to counter what you feel to be an equally contradictory point of view? Fighting fire with fire...

The other side...have you muted your own position in order to avoid confrontations?

so? :evilcool:
Where's the poll, it say's there is a poll...

edit, it's there now, my coonection must be overly quick this morning.....
staffrodore said:
Where's the poll, it say's there is a poll...

edit, it's there now, my coonection must be overly quick this morning.....

The thread goes up before the poll have to type up the damn poll while the thread is sitting there...blast it all! :D

It's one of my OTC pet-peeves.
I find myself playing the devil's advocate in order to help bring out the thinking and rationalizations of others rather than to further my own point of view. That is, I will post from a stronger point of view than that I actually feel and will, on occasion, post something contradictory to what I truly believe.

Isn't that pseudo trolling?

Anyways, I will keep my mouth shut many times if it just ain't worth the fight. However, if I chime in, I mean what I say.
HomeLAN said:
Isn't that pseudo trolling?

Anyways, I will keep my mouth shut many times if it just ain't worth the fight. However, if I chime in, I mean what I say.

Only if all I'm trying to do is piss people off...which ain't my goal. I want people to spit out their opinions instead of just fence-sitting.
I soft-pedal it here. To state my true feelings and defend them properly would take an unholy amount of time and amount to little more than more polarizing in what should supposedly be engaging and reasonably fun without the stomach churning, hair greying, teeth clenching fights that seem to occupy almost all waking BBS moments. I can live comfy in merely knowing that everyone else is just plain fucking wrong from my view in this ivory tower.
I answered other. When either side of an argument becomes circular, I usually drop it. I'm not above answering in a way that I'm certain will piss somone off (you may have noticed). As far as unc's "stomach churning, hair greying, teeth clenching," I pretty much don't think about this board when I'm not actually logged into it. Most of us are simply spouting our highly subjective, self-righteous opinions, and it simply doesn't mean that much. I was an argumentative asshole before the internet and I really have little or no interest in changing at this point. I don't hold it personally against anyone else for being one too, that would be stupid. 100 years from now we'll all be dead and no one on earth will care what we said here (or the manner in which we said it) :lloyd: .
chcr said:
I answered other. When either side of an argument becomes circular, I usually drop it. I'm not above answering in a way that I'm certain will piss somone off (you may have noticed). As far as unc's "stomach churning, hair greying, teeth clenching," I pretty much don't think about this board when I'm not actually logged into it. Most of us are simply spouting our highly subjective, self-righteous opinions, and it simply doesn't mean that much. I was an argumentative asshole before the internet and I really have little or no interest in changing at this point. I don't hold it personally against anyone else for being one too, that would be stupid. 100 years from now we'll all be dead and no one on earth will care what we said here (or the manner in which we said it) :lloyd: .

150 years from now, an old, decrepit, server is unearthed, and the last words of chcr are the only things found on the last, sputtering, HDD. His words will envigorate a society to study it's past, and look for back-ups of everything ever typed by him, likening him to King of the Internet. What mysteries to solve? Who was unclehobart, and why was he so afraid of being seen in his fuzzy pink bikini? Who was Gato_Solo, and why, in heavens name, did he want pictures of unclehobart in a fuzzy pink bikini? Yes...they will care, and you will live on... :worship: :D
The best I can hope for is that 'true' photos of me surface as something slightly classier than David Scwimmers head grafted to a pony in w pink bikini... but knowing the boredom and talent level of the teen of 150 years from now... god help me.
unclehobart said:
The best I can hope for is that 'true' photos of me surface as something slightly classier than David Scwimmers head grafted to a pony in w pink bikini... but knowing the boredom and talent level of the teen of 150 years from now... god help me.

At least they'll know you. I'll be forever known as Gato_Solo, court jester to his majesty chcr... :D
Why'd chcr choose you for that? You don't even have a towel... :eek:

Meanwhile, I've still got this body paint, hmm... just how famous do I wanna be?
I'll remind you that I did not ask for the pink bikini picture, but rather asked to be excused from looking at it. :rolleyes: History is so fickle. Unfortunately I'll be long dead and unable to correct this misconception. One misconception I can clear up, Like any good hitch-hiker Gato knows where his towel is. Unfortunately (or fortunately), Leslie's got it.
No. I think I just have an overwhelming tendency to just be stubborn and opinionated, to get carried away and rant a lot despite what people may think, because if I censor myself then it wouldn't fulfill my choice for interacting on a board: I like the freedom of being able to speak :p. Especially where I come up against other nameless individuals who appear to be as opinionated and weird as me. Confrontation is good, fun, healthy debate, though... I guess I do tend to get carried away with myself sometimes...But thats only because I have the freedom to hear and so its a kind of lash back on the reality of my quiet boring, mundane and unconfrontational life, it feeds the need in me to rant, fills the gap :D. If I want to say something, I'll say it, if it pisses someone off and provokes them, I find it kinda entertaing in an insane kind of, but I would definately not write something or react to something I didn't personally have an opinion on, or take a different stance than that of my own, I think my responses to some things might be enough on their own. I'm quite honest, like that.

Oh, and btw... in celebration of your 5000th post, feel free to enjoy the band...


(lol, whyyy? ;) )