To thine own self be true?

To thine own self be true?

  • I don't fake it...ever!

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • I push harder when pushed

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • I turn it down when it's getting out of hand

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • I love being radical on OTC but not IRL

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • other

    Votes: 5 18.5%

  • Total voters
MrBishop said:
Have you found yourself pushing the issue further than your own ideologies, either to bring out discussion or in order to counter what you feel to be an equally contradictory point of view? Fighting fire with fire...

Why would anyone do that?...I believe doing that is called inciting and of course I have.

The other side...have you muted your own position in order to avoid confrontations?

It is not that I don't want confrontations it is just that confrontations bore me pretty quickly. I may get into one and before it is over I realize how pointless it is....10 fold on the internet.
MrBishop said:
Only if all I'm trying to do is piss people off...which ain't my goal. I want people to spit out their opinions instead of just fence-sitting.

How does that make you any different from the "unbiased" media or above yellow journalism.
i post an occasional line or two in RW, but generally i couldnt care less what goes on in there.
IDLEchild said:
How does that make you any different from the "unbiased" media or above yellow journalism.
You can't have debate without'd get boring otherwise.

I am an argumentative SoB in real life....but I only tend to argue on the web about things I am passionate about or have an opinion on. So if a debate lights my fire, I'm all for going all the way until, like chcr says, it gets circular. After that theres no point in continuing it.

Cue Gatos's smiley:D
MrBishop said:
My 5,000 post - thought to make it a good one.

This tends to be aimed more at the posters in the RW more so than those who avoid it like the plague.

I find myself playing the devil's advocate in order to help bring out the thinking and rationalizations of others rather than to further my own point of view. That is, I will post from a stronger point of view than that I actually feel and will, on occasion, post something contradictory to what I truly believe.

I have been painted as a die-hard bleeding-heart Liberal on occasion and I'll admit that I've posted as such. I'm not that Liberal though, but putting out the Liberal ideology at an extreme level seems to bring out the discussion more than just riding the fence on any issue. Frankly, if everyone agrees..there is no argument and no discussion...and that's just not fun.

Have you found yourself pushing the issue further than your own ideologies, either to bring out discussion or in order to counter what you feel to be an equally contradictory point of view? Fighting fire with fire...

The other side...have you muted your own position in order to avoid confrontations?

so? :evilcool:

WELL, Looks like CONGRATS are in order for you Bish. on that 5000 post!!! :banana: :beardbng: :worship:

Yes, I am one that avoids the RW like the plague...... :mope:
I don't fake it, unless I'm making a joke, and try to make that obvious.
MrBishop said:
I find myself playing the devil's advocate in order to help bring out the thinking and rationalizations of others rather than to further my own point of view. That is, I will post from a stronger point of view than that I actually feel and will, on occasion, post something contradictory to what I truly believe.
I don't do that.

MrBishop said:
I have been painted as a die-hard bleeding-heart Liberal on occasion and I'll admit that I've posted as such. I'm not that Liberal though, but putting out the Liberal ideology at an extreme level seems to bring out the discussion more than just riding the fence on any issue. Frankly, if everyone agrees..there is no argument and no discussion...and that's just not fun.
I lean more toward the conservative side, and so If I see a chance to agree
with a liberal point of view(that I DO agree with) I most always try to throw
my eggs in that basket. Mainly to show that I'm really not extreme on either end.

MrBishop said:
Have you found yourself pushing the issue further than your own ideologies, either to bring out discussion or in order to counter what you feel to be an equally contradictory point of view? Fighting fire with fire...
Nope, I don't do that.

MrBishop said:
The other side...have you muted your own position in order to avoid confrontations?
so? :evilcool:
No I haven't muted because of just not wanting to be confrontational,
but I have muted quite a bit, and still will, about confrontational subjects
that I don't feel qualified to make a factual statement on, or that is just
all "how you feel" and not a factual thing.
Tank girl, I used to be a bit like that as well. I used to argue myself blue on the boards... But the novelty wears off after a while, for me anyway, and now I can't be bothered arguing the same tired old arguments over and over again, ala ground hog day. ;) That being said, everything gonz says is wrong. :p
unclehobart said:
I can live comfy in merely knowing that everyone else is just plain fucking wrong from my view in this ivory tower.
I really need to learn that lifestyle.
One of the ideas I try to live my life by is, stand for something or fall for anything. I'm a man of my convictions, and whether they be popular or not, convenient or not, even always practical or not, I do my best to adhere to them. I step on toes sometimes, both online and in the real world. Tough titty. Mine get tromped daily.

For example, I boycotted Domino's Pizza for well over a decade simply because they contributed a substantial amount of money to a cause I disagreed with. Same thing is currently in effect for Target stores and Coca-Cola. And when I decided to boycot Coca-Cola, I mean as completely as possible...I refrain from visiting restaurants that I know serve their product, even though I prefer Coke to Pepsi tremendously.

When WalMart released a press statement dictating their refusal to carry certain musical artists in the 80s they deemed "inappropriate", yet continued to carry beaucoup country music titles prominently featuring songs about adultry, alcoholism, and the like, I refused to shop there for over 17 years. I still will go out of my way and pay the extra pennies to go elsewhere when the option is available, unless said option is Target. It's just what I feel is right, and despite the fact that WalMart or Coca-Cola or whoever won't miss the business of one consumer it's what I feel led to do. I'm just that way.

Yeah, I'm one of those nutcases screaming in the wilderness. :lloyd: