Today in the middle east


molṑn labé
Staff member
This place is sure interesting to watch if you like hypocrisy.

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - The Lebanese parliamentary speaker, a prominent Shiite who has been negotiating on behalf of Hezbollah, rejected the U.S.-French draft of U.N. cease-fire resolution on Sunday because it did not include the government's plan for ending the fighting.

The Syrian foreign minister declared on Sunday that the U.S.-French cease-fire plan was "a recipe for the continuation of the war" and he warned his armed forces were under orders to respond immediately if Israel attacks.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem speaking to reporters after the meeting with his Lebanese counterpart, Fawzi Salloukh, Moallem said "Syria is ready for the possibility of a regional war if the Israeli aggression continues."

He added that a US-French draft resolution to end the war "adopted Israel's point of view only." Underlining his support for Hizbullah, Moallem said, "as Syria's foreign minister I hope to be a soldier in the resistance."

and then, finally, somebody has the nerve to shed some light...
BERLIN (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told European leaders to stop preaching to him about civilian war casualties in an interview published on Sunday in German newspaper Welt am Sonntag.

Olmert also said it would not be possible to completely destroy Hizbollah and insisted he did not underestimate them, saying they had fired just 3,000 of their arsenal of 15,000 rockets so far.

"Where do they get the right to preach to Israel?" Olmert said when asked about criticism from European capitals of Israeli military operations that have led to a heavy civilian toll.

"European countries attacked Kosovo and killed ten thousand civilians. Ten thousand! And none of these countries had to suffer before that from a single rocket.

"I'm not saying it was wrong to intervene in Kosovo. But please: Don't preach to us about the treatment of civilians."
"Where do they get the right to preach to Israel?" Olmert said when asked about criticism from European capitals of Israeli military operations that have led to a heavy civilian toll.

"European countries attacked Kosovo and killed ten thousand civilians. Ten thousand! And none of these countries had to suffer before that from a single rocket.

"I'm not saying it was wrong to intervene in Kosovo. But please: Don't preach to us about the treatment of civilians."

Good to see he is willing to call a spade a spade..

What gets me is what Annon said in that it was ok for Isreal to defend itself but not in using force. Want to bet that if he had a gun to his head he would start groveling?
Gonz said:
If you can't see it, then you are part of the problem.

I see from the Europena countries complaining about civilian casualties? While it may be hypocritical for the US or European countries to complain about civilian casualties somebody has to do it.
Still not getting down to the real issue..

Why are there human casulties? The answer is not because of direct military action of Isreal...
spike said:
I see from the Europena countries complaining about civilian casualties? While it may be hypocritical for the US or European countries to complain about civilian casualties somebody has to do it.

because both parties have killed the living fuck out of untold numbers of civilians in various campaigns. the frogs were bad mofos during colonialism. british killed tons of folks in various places. and the US has killed a buncha people as "collateral" damage. so then officials from those countries criticizing israel appear somewhat hypocritical.

trust me, i'm a fucking EXPERT on hypocrisy.
highwayman said:
Still not getting down to the real issue..

Why are there human casulties? The answer is not because of direct military action of Isreal...

?? I am pro israel but come on, if israel fires a rocket that causes human causualties, it is because of direct israel action, if said rocket kills some terrorists at the same time...then it is justifiable.

collateral damage is one of the facts of warfare.
So if the other sides militants happen to kill some Israeli militants in addition to civilains then it's justified.

Kill as many civilians as you want as long as you get at least one militant or suspected militant than either side is doing the right thing.

Sounds like escalating the cycle of vilence to me but oh well.
spike said:
So if the other sides militants happen to kill some Israeli militants in addition to civilains then it's justified.

Kill as many civilians as you want as long as you get at least one militant or suspected militant than either side is doing the right thing.

Sounds like escalating the cycle of vilence to me but oh well.

welcome to the middle east!!!!

and to him, sure he is justified.

and if hezbollah is using a orphanage to launch missles from, then, as cold as it sounds, get em.

there are degrees to what is acceptable, a hospital for one person is not acceptable, a hospital that has a missle battery inside is.
Everydody always says there was something dangerous in the orphanage after it's bombed. It's a great way to bomb at will.

Either way you bomb an orphanage you galvanize the peoples will to retaliate. Then you have to retaliate. Then they have to retaliate.

After that though everybody becomes bestest friends.
spike said:
Everydody always says there was something dangerous in the orphanage after it's bombed. It's a great way to bomb at will.

Either way you bomb an orphanage you galvanize the peoples will to retaliate. Then you have to retaliate. Then they have to retaliate.

After that though everybody becomes bestest friends.

well that is the way it is, I do not actually think there will ever be peace their, jsut long times between bombings.
spike said:
Everydody always says there was something dangerous in the orphanage after it's bombed. It's a great way to bomb at will.

Either way you bomb an orphanage you galvanize the peoples will to retaliate. Then you have to retaliate. Then they have to retaliate.

After that though everybody becomes bestest friends.

So it's OK for you to be bombed but out of the question to retaliate?