Today is 9/10 - what're you doing tomorrow?


Well-Known Member
Just a quick check to see if anyone's doing anything to remember 9/11 and those who lost their lives on that day. Going to any church services? Get-togethers? Watching the news all day? or..just trying desperatly to forget that it ever happened?

I'm probably taking my so to a local memorial service.
I'll probably say a prayer or something for those who were killed, but otherwise i'll be too busy at the Ukrainian Festival in Rosemount. I'm performing twice at the festival and participating it it's activities.
Tomorrow the whole compound is getting together to clean/maintain our 10-acre yard.

9/11 is a date that will alway invoke certain feelings, but we're going to go on with what needs to be done.
Tonks and I will be on the road all day picking up the kids from the ex. It takes the whole day. No time to spare other that a though and reflection of times gone by.
more basement construction... not the religious type and will probably avoid the news... which i do more and more these days

that said, my heart does go out to all those with a direct connection to the tragedy (which i fortunately do not have), who'll always have this date etched in their minds
I'll be wishing the world was not forced to leave 9/10/01 mode & hoping that those responsible as well as those like them have every bad thing imaginable happen to them. Daily.
I just watched HBO's show on 9/11 for the first time. It always hurts me to see those images but I can't stop watching. I can't believe it's been 3 years.
I'll dedicate every sack of concrete I load and every cart I push to the dead, I guess. That should just about equal the number.
I'll be at the bowling alley tomorrow morning (8:15, I might as well go to work again, ugh) as all our leagues start tomorrow, and the first day's always the roughest, gotta learn new faces (especially this year, our league's gonna triple in size), put together teams, stuff like that. Just like that, my Saturday's finished. Poof.
I was going to help plow up the peanuts, but it rained steadily all afternoon today, and there's no way the fields will dry enough by tomorrow.

That would have been perfect, riding the tractor for hours on end gives you plenty of time to ponder such a topic.

It will still be on my mind, regardless of what I wind up doing.

The flag in my yard will be at half-mast all day.
HomeLAN said:
Nothing special, really. It'll be on my mind, but that's about it.

'Bout the same here. We have an LPGA tournament going on at work this weekend, so it'll be just another day at the Ridge for me. Incidently, the Ridge is where I first heard of the planes crashing, heard it on msn from a friend living in australia, oddly enough. made it downstairs in time to see the second plane hit. :(
Tomorrow I'll be working, but I will certainly be thinking about the victims of the September 11 attacks. And avoiding the news... Nothing like a bout of CNN to cheapen the deaths, and politicise. :rolleyes:
This is terrible... but I didn't even give it a second thought... I knew it was the "aniversary" but I can't actually recall any real news (TV or paper) about it being produced in Blighty... there may have been a "4 years to the day" sentence at the end of the 10 oclock news... :blush:

Guess that makes me a bad person...
Nah, just shows the Uk is moving on a little better. Not that that's a bad thing. I still feel weak when I think about that morning, It's our generations Kennedy.