Today's the Day


Staff member
:canada: Go vote!!!

They've pleaded. They've promised. They've pestered. They've persevered.

Now, at long last, it's your turn to tell Canada's political leaders exactly what you think of them.

Election Day has finally arrived in Canada after over a month of an often fractious campaign that many see as one of the strangest in the country's history. Since Paul Martin went to the Governor General's residence on May 23rd, the country has been seized by an overwhelming debate about who's most fit to lead.

We'll get the answer late Monday or early Tuesday, but the most important task now is ensuring you have your say.

I'm going this afternoon...and I made my decision this morning after much inner debate. :lloyd:
Fit to lead? Where's the "None of the above" box.

Inner debate? None here. There's only three candidates in my riding, and one of them is the Bloc's star Maka Kotto. Simply put, he's a show in, no matter what.
if they won that'd be why.

My choice this time is NDP. Although Layton is a weasel, he's less of a weasel than the others, and all the years I've watched him, he's never gone against what he stands for. His wife on the other hand is an underhanded **** as far as I'm concerned. I'm hoping that at least with them as opposition, they'll knock down some of the more outrageous crap of whichever party is the leader.
For's better the devil that you know rather the devil that you don't know. It's friggin' neck n' neck between the Libs and the Cons, and the Bloc and NDP will be the spoilers.

What I worry about more is that we havn't had a minority GVT in over 25 years. They might just wait 6 months and call another friggin' election to turn a minority into a majority victory. :p
well Prof, I don't like that it turns out being that way, but I also wish people would vote their consciousnesses rather than for the sure winners, so I try to do just that, vote what I think is right, and hope that enough others feel and do the same.

I truly do like the local NDP guy, and NDP as opposition is a good possiblility according to the polls, so I don't feel like it's a wasted vote.

And, I can't go liberal this time...and the new right is scary :alienhuh: to the extreme, so who I'm left with is Jack Layton. :shrug: I've been watching him for years and years, and I do feel that at least I know who I'm voting for with him.
As soon as the wife gets home ,I'll be going to vote and I'll be voting for the same party I always have .This is going to be the first election where we(BC) will be getting the results at the same time as the rest of the country.Up until now they held off on the results from the East until our polls close and by that time the results were a done deal and the winning party was already known.It kinda gave us the feeeling that our votes made no difference :crying4: .This time with it being such a close election our votes will make a difference and the rest of the country will have to wait for us ,to see whom the winner is. :swing:
I'm tempted to vote Green this year. Still ticked off that they didn't get a chance at the leaders debates. They have more potential candidates than do the Bloc Québequois by about 3-1 but didn't get invited by the news. Bastards!
When do the polls close in your neck of the woods Les? its 7:30pm PST for ours ,I'm intersted in following what happens in Ontario and Quebec.
Ontario and Quebec will be the interesting ones. Hopefully a shakeup of some sort is in order. What's the projection for out West?
I think the Conservalliance ( :lloyd: ) will do well in Alberta and possibly B.C. ,but that'll depend on whether the Federal Liberals will be held reponsible for the F@ck ups of the Provincial Libs. Of course the B.C. has always been a big NDP province in the provincial elections ,so they may make some inraods too. I'd pretty happy with any party other than the Conservalliance.

wtf? that's weird. I found it in a thread on Fark. :confuse3: and the one there and this one both click through fine for me.