Toddler gets stuck in vending machine


New Member

ANTIGO, Wis. - Three-year-old Robert Moore went fishing for a stuffed replica of Sponge Bob and ended up trapped in a vending machine. The toddler's adventure began with a Saturday evening shopping trip with his grandmother, Fredricka Bierdemann, and three siblings.


Bierdemann ended the trip by giving each child a dollar and telling them to have fun in a retailer's game room.

A stuffed Sponge Bob in a vending machine's bin caught Robert's eye. He tried without success to fish it out with a plastic crane.

"I told him I could get it for him," his grandmother said. "He's a character. He said, 'Oh no, I can get it.'"

When she turned her back to get another dollar for a second try, Robert took off his coat and squeezed through an opening in the machine. He landed in the stuffed animal cube.

"I turned around and looked for him, and he said, 'Oma, I'm in here," Bierdemann said. "I thought I would have a heart attack."

Store employees couldn't find a key to the machine, so Robert waited while the Antigo Fire Department was called.

"He was having a ball in there, hugging all the stuffed animals," Bierdemann said. "He was so good-natured, but I was shaking like a leaf."

Firefighters broke one lock but then spotted two latches inside the plastic cube. They passed a screwdriver to Robert.

"He stacked up all the stuffed animals and used that screwdriver to open the latch," his grandmother said. "You should have seen him go."

Eventually, Robert freed himself. But his mother, Marie Moore, and grandmother said they were lucky that he remained calm when another child might not have. He went home safe — but without a stuffed Sponge Bob
That EXACT same thing happened around here a few years, EXACTLY the same story including the fact that the kid went home sans toy.
See, that's a boy for you. A girl child would have just stood there and screamed until someone got the toy out for her.
And I probably would have paid about $50 in the long run. Ask the missus about that next time you see her.
Well, for those of us who don't have a personal relationship with Mrs.Pof, care to provide some enlightenment?
Well, I'll ask Mrs. Prof next time I see her. When did you say you were going to be out of town again?

(just kidding. i'm not implying anything about your wife. don't hurt me)
I seen that on the news last nite, i thought it was hillarious. That's why we had to take our machine out of Denny's when i worked there!
Well, for those of us who don't have a personal relationship with Mrs.Pof, care to provide some enlightenment?

I assume he paid WAY more than the silly toy was worth trying to win one for either the missus or V2.0