Toilet Paper: Roll off the top or the bottom?

My middle son believes that a shot of cologne is like Instant Cleanser for dirty clothes. :disgust2:
Bottom. Rolls off easier. Over the top, BTW, gets stuck just as least with milspec paper. ;)
Spot said:
we have 1 1/2 baths here and it never ceases to amaze me how often i have to change the roll...
Two words for ya: DOUBLE ROLL
Now, I wouldn't buy these for the longest time, thinking it must be one of the cheesiest scams in the entire free world. One and a half rolls for double the price, I'm thinking....but it was killing me...NOT knowing for sure. One day in the toilet paper aisle the curiosity just overwhelmed me and the next thing I knew it was in my cart.
Well, I'm here to tell you they DO last twice as long...longer maybe. I've crossed over to the other side...and I'm NOT coming back.:headbang:
I roll from the top, and I'm always changing the roll around so it rolls that way. Brandi never pays attention to which way it goes on... and she also tends to leave it empty when he finishes the roll.
always the top. But when someone in the house puts a new roll off the bottom, I'm too lazy to change it.