Tomorrow is going to be so much fun...


Well, tomorrow I'm getting all four wisdom teeth removed. Two can be pulled, one more probably, and the last one has to be cut. I'm getting total, complete, a-z anesthesia so I will be sleeping while the evil doctor does his stuff... :sick:

I had to choose between needles (local anesthesia), twilight, and total anesthesia. Twilight is where they put you out a bit, but you drift between unconsciousness and consciousness. I didn't like that idea at all. I don't want to be conscious when that stuff happens, so I picked total anesthesia....

I'm going to be more grumpy than woreable tomorrow... so watch out. Hopefully I won't ignite too many flames... mhh, mods watch out ;) :p
when i had my wisdom teeth out years ago it was with a local anasthetic and it was nowhere near as bad as everyone else made it out to be.
went through 2 root canals that way too. not much pain, just that lovely sound/smell of the drill for long periods of time. that and my face was numb for about 7 hours.
the anxiety hurt worse.

hope it goes well
Yeah its the anxiety that I'm worried about...

I've never even had a cavity... heh... This is unfamiliar grounds...
twilight sounds like conscious sedation. sometimes you remember, sometimes you don't.
they never offered me total. hell, they didn't even offer me nitros!
you should get some neat painkillers afterwards.
Spot said:
twilight sounds like conscious sedation. sometimes you remember, sometimes you don't.
they never offered me total. hell, they didn't even offer me nitros!
you should get some neat painkillers afterwards.
I haven't taken drugs in years... :( This is going to be hard...