Tonksy = ill

I hope it's not the same thing that was "going around" here,
about a month ago.
I didn't get it, but it was bad bad for my mom, and a couple of the kids.

Get well Soon Tonksy :flowers:
I just keep hearing that old CCR song in my head "There's a bathroom on the right". Keep that in mind :D

Hope that you feel better soon Tonks!
Bejesus! I thought this thread was gonna say she had summit much worse than flu :( .... fekkin' scared me 'till I opened it.

Still, I suppose the flu is nothin' to be sniffed at.

Get well soon tonks! :lloyd:
ditto to Oz.

*hugs* Get to feeling better soon, Tonksy! There's nothing that will aggravate sickness more than being kept away from OTC ... so hurry back!
unclehobart said:
Don't rightly know if its flu... but it has knocked her right back into bed and lookin' mighty pale.
I've seen her profile pic...pale is normal for her :D
As for how normal it is for her to be in bed...I'll leave you be the judge of that. :D
thank you everybody...i came home and slept for 5 hours :eek: i still feel like hammered shit but i'm hoping that i can work tomorrow. had a piece of toast this morning that disagreed with me and now i am trying tea...leave it to me to get the flu in summer :shrug:

wanders off singing ''there's a bathroom on the right"