tonksy is really cool!

I bought a kettle today...if I had known Rose was mailing out new kitchen appliances I could have saved my money :lloyd:
*lmao* I dun't know ... I dno't think i've ever considered buying a kettle.

What's a kettle? I mean ... you mean like to make tea in on the stove?
Yeah...except mine is an electric plugs in...used to boil water for various uses...

You don't have a kettle??? :eek6:
Um ... no, I don't have a kettle. :(

Hell. And I might get shot by some for this, but I don't even have a coffee pot at my house.


Wait, I take that back. There IS a coffee maker and pot somewhere in the cupboards and my husband does own a stove-top tea kettle. Whistles, too. I think.
I don't have a coffee pot cause I don't drink coffee...but kettles are used for so many things...instant chocolate...jello...
I just boil water on teh stove. Or in a pinch ... microwave it. But you gotta be careful with hot water in the microwave - I don't think it will boil with bubbles but it will get damn'd hot.
stand back for a shock...i don't have a kettle and i drink about 2-3 cups of hot tea a day....i have a little urnlike picher thing that has a spout but is wide open...i asked for a whistling kettle for christmas....santa must have forgot it :D