Too far?

All too soon at this rate. Wasn't that long ago that printing was the stop gap to adult writing.
Cute... I also still do thumbnails when I design. There's something about the flow of the hand across the sheet of paper that you don't get when typing. Quieter too :)

I'm left-handed. I had to adapt and not spread the ink across the page with the side of my hand....
I haven't used cursive in... umm... decades. My signature isn't really "cursive" and is more "curse." I take notes all the time but in print, not cursive... I took some notes in cursive in high school and it was completely illegible. I just plain gave up.
I'm left-handed. I had to adapt and not spread the ink across the page with the side of my hand....

not me I drag that baby
smug the shit out of it

I used to do it just to piss off the teachers

now I just take notes/numbers mostly
You people... seem to forget that there is more to life than computers.
DO you write down grocery lists on your computers and email them to yourself?
Do you write down personal notes, phone numbers etc..using texting instead of writing?
Unable to fill in a form unless it's online?

Yes to all. Most forms have online equivs, I have a shopping list in my head, or if it's complicated, it's copy/pasted from the innerwebs, and printed (most of my recipes come from food blogs), and I don't tend to write personal notes. Why? I type faster than I could ever write. :shrug:
I cannot hold on to ANY piece of paper that isn't money. My iPhone keeps my life together.

I do occasionally write Jody a note, but sometimes I text it to her iPhone.
Y'know ... I find it no great surprise that the people most advocating cursive are the ones who lived through the Quebec solar blackout and the Great Ice Storm. Bish, winter's coming. How's your backup heating setup?
I own 2 BBQs and 5 tanks for'em. Good for food. Extra freezer downstairs for long storage even without power, plastic for the windows etc.

I mostly stayed at home during the last one..until the military 'asked' me to leave. 3 weeks without!
I don't have a blackberry...I use my Palm
I'd recommend adding something like this to your kit. No chimney needed, and has an O2 depletion shutoff, which means the flame dies before you do.
Keeping the place warm wasn't the issue - Sweaters work fine...nor was food storage and cooking (Glad™bag outside and the BBQ that I'd cleared a path to. The big issue was lack of hot water for showers and the price of fuel for the oil-lamps. I remember driving to Old Longueuil to find a place that had some left..only to find it at roughly 10X the normal price - fuckers!

The heater's an interesting idea.
Why? I type faster than I could ever write. :shrug:

Now, sure - but kids don't..and why shackle them to a KB by skipping the primary steps to learning how to write?

Learn to recognize letters and the sounds they make
Learn to form your letters correctly by reproducing them.
Practice writing for consistency and speed.
Learn grammar so what you write makes sense.
Learn to work with computers through the KB and mouse
Practice typing for consistency and speed.
Grammar should already be in play.

Why skip steps 2 & 3 and move 4 to the last phase? What's the hurry?
At this point, we're talking about 5-7 year olds. Kindergarten to grade 2. Learning to write correct and legible cursive will aid them more than a touch-typing class.
Learning to write correct and legible cursive will aid them more than a touch-typing class.

Nah, I don't see it. Learning to print well is probably enough.

I wish I had more than the one typing class in school. I'm not very fast at it even now.
Y'know ... the words I most despise in the english language ... good enough. Makes me want to puke. Good enough would have us still hanging from trees. Good enough would have us living in caves and bashing the brains out of antelopes with rocks.

If good enough is good enough for you, more power to ya. Personally, I think I'll encourage me and mine to aim just a little higher.
Y'know ... the words I most despise in the english language ... good enough. Makes me want to puke. Good enough would have us still hanging from trees. Good enough would have us living in caves and bashing the brains out of antelopes with rocks.

If good enough is good enough for you, more power to ya. Personally, I think I'll encourage me and mine to aim just a little higher.

Don't aim too high, or you better clean it up.