Too posh to push


Well-Known Member
Childbirth - an often painful and lengthy process which women hardly ever look forward to...but have to go through if they want to deliver their own children. There are ways of making it more comforteable or faster (such as inducing, breaking the 'waters', pain-killers etc...), but this doesn't seem to satisfy some women at all. Why should they have to go through the pain at all? Why should they have to strain, push, breathe in odd patterns, sweat and possibly even shit themselves while a near-stranger stares at their private parts for hours on end?

It's embarrasing and hardly ladylike, isn't it? Which is why a greater number of women are considering themselves 'too posh to puch' and opting for unnecessary C-Sections in order to avoid it all and still get the kid as a prize in return.

Too posh to push - CA
Too posh to push - UK
Too posh to push - USA too posh to push? What is with this trend in weak women?
Hmmm - if they choose a Caesarian rather than normal childbirth they're rather daft really. Caesarian's are more traumatic according to what I've heard from women who've had them.
AlphaTroll said:
Hmmm - if they choose a Caesarian rather than normal childbirth they're rather daft really. Caesarian's are more traumatic according to what I've heard from women who've had them.

My first birth was an emergency c-section. Recovery was painful and long and I still don't have full feeling around the scar. I changed OBGYN's for the second child, because I blamed my doctor for the need for a c-section for the first one. I *insisted* on a vaginal birth for the second one, even though after the first c-section I could have opted to go that route again, and there was a small increased risk for complications. Recovery the second time was much faster, I wasn't separated from my baby at birth, and it was much less painful after the fact.

I have no idea why a women would *want* to have major surgery to deliver a child...
i almost had...and should have had a c-section for my first...but being a good little girl i pushed for 4 hours and had leah the regular way...the others were a piece of fucking cake...a c-section? apart from the fact that i never ever ever ever want to have another least not anytime in the next 20-30 years...i think that a c-section would be worse...i was up and moving around an hour or so after the birth of my girls and a c-section will definitely lay you up for awhile....besides, if you have a c-section you have to stay in the hospital for more than 24 hours, right?
4 hours? :rofl:

My wife & her female family members would have you hung drawn & quartered. They averaged 30+ hours in labor.
all my kids, 5-6 hours total labour time, all natural. would never opt for anything different than the way nature intended.
Gonz said:
4 hours? :rofl:

My wife & her female family members would have you hung drawn & quartered. They averaged 30+ hours in labor.
I'd hate to think what your family would do to my wife, Gonz. :)

She showed up at the midwife's thinking that she was having Braxton-Hicks contractions...found out that she was fully dialated and ready to pop! I got a call and rushed over at there and about 1 1/2 hours later...I was a poppa :)

The midwife tells us that the second child is generally faster. :D

The only concolation to the female members of your family (which might save my wife from a linching) drugs! No painkillers of any type involved in using midwives. :p I could've used some hand was aching for weeks afterwards :)
30 long f#$%$ hours for the first one ... no drugs, nothing... and yes, she was worth it :love:

the gods were kinder the second time around, 5 hours and 2 pushes.
Three kids .. three very natural child births ... but I never labored very long - longest was 3 hours with the oldest .. 50 minutes with the thug baby ... i thank all the gods for my mom's hips :D
Gonz said:
4 hours? :rofl:

My wife & her female family members would have you hung drawn & quartered. They averaged 30+ hours in labor.
nononono...i PUSHED for 4 hours...labor was 96....i have that merit badge...m'kay?
whatever happened to old fashioned child-birth?

you know where they guys walked the halls, with a cigarette hanging out of there mouth.

When I have kids, if Nat doesn't get drugged up, I know i will ask for them
nalani said:
Three kids .. three very natural child births ... but I never labored very long - longest was 3 hours with the oldest .. 50 minutes with the thug baby ... i thank all the gods for my mom's hips :D

someone was spoiled :p
paul_valaru said:
whatever happened to old fashioned child-birth?

you know where they guys walked the halls, with a cigarette hanging out of there mouth.

When I have kids, if Nat doesn't get drugged up, I know i will ask for them
mine were oldfashioned and all natural...but hell if he was gonna get off easy like that...I dragged him in there to suffer with me :devious:
Do any of you ladies have photos or videos of the event(s)? Not that I'd want you to share, just wondering.

When Martin was born my sister's boyfriend was in there with her - she had to have a caesarian because he was too big for natural birth, so they had photos of the op taken etc - rather weird to look at, my sis is all happy and awake while the doctor is cutting her belly open! :eek:
AlphaTroll said:
Do any of you ladies have photos or videos of the event(s)? Not that I'd want you to share, just wondering.

When Martin was born my sister's boyfriend was in there with her - she had to have a caesarian because he was too big for natural birth, so they had photos of the op taken etc - rather weird to look at, my sis is all happy and awake while the doctor is cutting her belly open! :eek:

I have photo's of the birth of my second child. The cameraman was none other than our beloved Bish. Didn't know he was taking pictures at the time and was moderately suprised when he presented them to me. But I think they're kinda neat :D
Ah hey, that's brilliant! I've always wondered why people would want such photos, but I guess the more I think about it the less 'weird' it becomes. You probably don't even spare a thought for any akwardness or embarrassment, being caught up in the moment and all?
AlphaTroll said:
Ah hey, that's brilliant! I've always wondered why people would want such photos, but I guess the more I think about it the less 'weird' it becomes. You probably don't even spare a thought for any akwardness or embarrassment, being caught up in the moment and all?

There could have been 25 jugglers in the room, performing their acts, and I wouldn't have known they were there. By the time you get to the actual delivery, you've already been poked and prodded at on a regular basis, and frankly, all you can think about is "get this thing outta me!" :) You can pick up your dignity at the front desk on your way out, cause you ain't gonna need it in labour :D
Camelyn said:
There could have been 25 jugglers in the room, performing their acts, and I wouldn't have known they were there. By the time you get to the actual delivery, you've already been poked and prodded at on a regular basis, and frankly, all you can think about is "get this thing outta me!" :) You can pick up your dignity at the front desk on your way out, cause you ain't gonna need it in labour :D

LOL - I'll keep that in mind if/when I have children :D Mind you, all I want is plenty of drugs to take the pain away (I'm a sissy, what can I say?). My one friend actually asked the doctor if she can have another epidural AFTER the birth of her child because it made her feel all :trippy: