Too posh to push

I want to have my babies naturally if I can.

I was born by emergency C-section when I was already on my way outta the womb... My mom couldn't push anymore or she'd break my neck. When my brother was born she opted for the C-section under the advice of her doctor because they were never able to determine if it was her shape or my positioning or both that caused the problems when I was born so they didn't take the risk.
I think I'd prefer to beable to be with my baby right away rather than be all drugged up and stuff and not get to appreciate the baby right away...also...why bother giving yourself one hell of a hidious scar if it's not necessary or benficial in anyway except a bit less work for you...Screw "too posh to push" I say it's "too lazy to labour!"
16 hrs first and 11 hrs second, would never want a "C" section, heard that the recovery time is longer and its more painfull.

Think about it, Woman are a eco system, the babies have their own air condition, heating, plumbing, food, etc....
Its an honest to God miracle, so don't worry Bish, it's painful and we go thru hell (heartburn,stretch marks,sleepless nights,morning sickness, all day sickness,etc...) but in the end, ITS ALL WORTH IT.... :winkkiss:
i used to think that i wouldn't want anyone in the room with me while i gave birth, save my hubby, but when i was in labor, i honestly didn't care who walked in.

with my first, because i took some 30 hours, people thought i had already given birth and were walking in and out of the room to visit (my mom, my mother-in-law, my sister-in-law, my friends, etc ...)
AlphaTroll said:
Do any of you ladies have photos or videos of the event(s)? Not that I'd want you to share, just wondering.

I was drafted as photographer for my sister's kid. Her husband threw me the camera, literally. His hand couldn't close enough to hold it anymore.
What about the coaches you have saying "Don't forget to breathe...."


I'd say, while holding my breathe through a contraction....
Leslie said:
mine were oldfashioned and all natural...but hell if he was gonna get off easy like that...I dragged him in there to suffer with me :devious:

You call that easy? When my first daughter was born, I wasn't even allowed in the room. I was up for 32 hours straight. My ex was 'peacefully' asleep getting a c-section because my first was in the wrong position...and rather large at 9 pounds 14 ounces...
I had an emergency C-section with my son. I couldn't get an epidural either. I certainly felt posh afterwards, when the anesthetic made me puke so I was sure my stitches were tearing and my gut pouring out.

Yeah, it will definately be nature's way the second time around, unless a darned good reason not to comes along.