Top ten Rush Racist quotes

Re: Tope ten Rush Racist quotes

Daily Kos? :rolleyes: I'm sure many out of context comments can be considered racist.

By the way, did you know that Pew Research: “Rush Limbaugh,” “Hannity & Colmes” Listeners Best Informed About U.S. Politics ?

* The New Yorker/Atlantic: 71 percent (correctly identified Democrats as the majority in the House), 71 percent (correctly identified Condoleezza Rice), 59 percent (correctly identified Gordon Brown)
* NPR: 73 percent, 72 percent, 57percent
* Hannity & Colmes: 84 percent, 73 percent, 49 percent
* Rush Limbaugh: 83 percent, 71 percent, 41 percent
* Colbert Report: 73 percent, 65 percent, 49 percent
* Daily Show: 65 percent, 48 percent, 36 percent
* NewsHour: 66 percent, 52 percent, 47 percent
* O'Reilly Factor: 70 percent, 60 percent, 41 percent
* C-SPAN: 63 percent, 59 percent, 35 percent
* Letterman/Leno: 51 percent, 42 percent, 31 percent
* CNN: 59 percent, 48 percent, 29 percent
* National Enquirer: 44 percent, 32 percent, 22 percent

His employer must think he's doing something right:

Talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh renewed his contract with Premier Radio Networks and Clear Channel Radio, continuing syndication of The Rush Limbaugh Show, according to a press release on

The program will celebrate 20 years on-air in August of this year.

The terms of the contract were not disclosed; however, The New York Times reported that the contract is estimated to be worth around $400 million -- or $38 million per year -- until 2016.
Re: Tope ten Rush Racist quotes

Didn't work out so well at ESPN, did it? When a friend first heard Rush back in the mid-nineties he thought he was a comedian because he just knew he couldn't be serious. :D
Re: Tope ten Rush Racist quotes

I`ll offer a challenge here. Anyone who cares to claim to absolutely to be non racist, not biased, non bigoted .... declare it now.

Bias, racism and bigotry are inherent in any evolutionary system. If it wasn't, noone here would ever have made it outta the trees. Painting all racism, bias and bigotry with the same brush ..... now that's evil, stupid, and blind. Far more so than habitually crossing the street when a black kid in baggy pants and a hoodie comes towards you on the sidewalk.
Re: Tope ten Rush Racist quotes

I`ll offer a challenge here. Anyone who cares to claim to absolutely to be non racist, not biased, non bigoted .... declare it now.

Bias, racism and bigotry are inherent in any evolutionary system. If it wasn't, noone here would ever have made it outta the trees. Painting all racism, bias and bigotry with the same brush ..... now that's evil, stupid, and blind. Far more so than habitually crossing the street when a black kid in baggy pants and a hoodie comes towards you on the sidewalk.


can't make that claim.
Re: Tope ten Rush Racist quotes

Nor can anyone I know which hardly alters the fact that much of it still needs to be overcome by thinking people.

I thought your country was founded on the right for people to decide for themselves, and not be 'overcome' by anyone ... least of all 'thinking people'.

I shouldn`t need to remind anyone of the horrors commited by 'thinking people' in the name of 'the greater good'. I'd rather have a 1000 bigots against me than one person 'who knows better' on my side.
Re: Tope ten Rush Racist quotes

he does have a point I would rather one shindler (who admited he was a nazi) than 100 people who think the government knows best.

Well now Paul, he does have a point. I hardly believe the government or even I know best. I just think that as a thinking person (as opposed to the other kind) I should try my best to overcome my prejudices and I expect other intelligent people to do the same. I really don't expect anyone to succeed all the time but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try does it? It's not up to someone else to tell you to do it, but as a member of the human race you should do it anyway. Just an opinion. Unlike some others I have no need to have everyone agree that my opinion on such things is correct and when someone else expects that from me, I'm out.
Re: Tope ten Rush Racist quotes

Daily Kos? :rolleyes:

Considering your regular sources I don't see how you have room to complain.

I'm sure many out of context comments can be considered racist.

Mind telling us what was out of context?

Sure, that silly 3 question poll tells it all. While these studies show his listeners tend not to think for themselves.
Re: Tope ten Rush Racist quotes

I thought your country was founded on the right for people to decide for themselves, and not be 'overcome' by anyone ... least of all 'thinking people'.

Our country was founded on the idea that all people are created equal. Nobody needs to be "overcome by thinking people" we just need more thinking people. Bigotry and racism is irrational.
and the jews!!!

(either that, or the jews control everything, depends on what flavour of bigot you are)
Re: Tope ten Rush Racist quotes

I`ll offer a challenge here. Anyone who cares to claim to absolutely to be non racist, not biased, non bigoted .... declare it now.

A 4th grade child asked me if I was "racist" because I was not voting for Obama. Hmmmm. Where do you think she got that opinion from? Her mother? The media?

What about that Pew research poll, anyhooo? Do you think it's peee-yuuuuu?