TORNADO WARNING. ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Did any touch down?

Those were good pics, but Luis' lightning is definitely the scariest and most destructive :p :D
I take it you're no where near Edmonton - I think we'd all sing and dance if we got anything lower than 30+. :(

Nice pics though :)
I'm only about a 5 hour drive north west of Edmonton. :D

I don't think any Tornadoes touched down but there was funnel clouds.
i thought there were no tornados in Canada (the air is too cold).
I stood on my patio and watched one go by about a half mile away back in '95. It wasn't raining, just a few little hail stones fell. It was a rouge supercell that popped outta nowhere. On the ground for like thirty miles. Did quite a bit of damage.

I love lightning ... I know I mentioned it before in another thread that lightning here doesn't touch the ground and rarely do we get to see rods of lightning .. I love the flashes of light in the sky .. and the rumbling of the heavens soon afterward .. perfect "stay-indoors-under-the-covers-drinking-cocoa" weather :)
nalani said:
I love lightning ... I know I mentioned it before in another thread that lightning here doesn't touch the ground and rarely do we get to see rods of lightning ..

what thread?? :D
#include bitch.h
#include slap.h
#include iosys.h

while (slap=true)
cout << "";
end main();
   printf("ohh yeah, hit me again :headbang:");

end main(); ?????? :confuse3:

define('IN_PHPBB', true);


function update_bitchslapcount($user_id, $bitchslaps) {
  $db->sql_query(&quot;UPDATE &quot; . USERS_TABLE . &quot; SET bitchslapcount = bitchslapcount + '&quot; . $bitchslaps . &quot;' WHERE user_id = '&quot; . $user_id . &quot;'&quot;) or die_nice(&quot;Couldn't update bitchslap count&quot;);
  return true;

$postsquery=$db->sql_query(&quot;SELECT * FROM &quot; . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . &quot; WHERE post_text LIKE '%*%slap*'&quot;);

while ($posts = mysql_fetch_array($postsquery)) {
  update_bitchslapcount($posts[user_id], 1);


