Tortured and Murdered

Can the Dems really be serious---I mean do they really think that withdrawl from Iraq is a good idea for everyone involved? I'll be the first to admit I don't know much about politics, but the things that Dean, Pelosi, Boxer, Murtha, Kerry, Kennedy, et. al say about Bush and the GWOT can't possibly help them in the '08 elections.
It's a continuation of the strategy from '04 - appeal to the far left section of the party. It failed in '04, they didn't learn from the experience of putting Dean in charge of the party, they still bow down to the wisdom of Teddy Kennedy, etc. If they'd put up a sorta-moderate instead of a slavering leftist, they'd have a shot.

If you'll notice, Shillary has been steadily changing her image to reflect a more centrist stance. This is why. The only question about that strategy is its effect on your chances to snag the nomination. That's part of what killed the Leiberman campaign in '40. All it can do is help you in the general election.
Jow Lieberman is on the outs with the (D) party. He may be forced to run as an Independent. With him & Zell gone, the demoncrats can focus on their specialty...unabashed liberalism. Howard Dean is/was the perfect man to lead the party. They need their commie base more than the Republicans need the religious right. Although, at this rate, the (R)s are losing conservatives.

I just wish that the democrats had the balls to say out loud & proud that they are libs instead of hiding behind centrist philosophies (which are the epitome of chickenshit).

We need a knock down, drag out right vs left election-all standing on their platform & loudly proclaiming their beliefs to gawd & everybody. Wanna see a party get nuked? hehe