Winky said:Canada should invade America and put things right.
Winky said:and that would be?
The zoolander house for kids who can't read good.
How are they supposed to read when they can't fit in the building
paul_valaru said:we prefer to lead by example
A.B.Normal said:The US had unprecidented international and domestic support in Afghanistan ,yet have failed to destroy the Taliban and find Bin Laden.Unfettered support in Iraq would have produced no better results than you are currently experiencing.
Gonz said:If it weren't for the left;
Gonz said:Unprecedented? Everytime we kill some civilians then entire world comes apart & yells for justice & for our exit. We are not allowed to use sufficient force to end this, and the Iraqi, enemy, once & for all.
Germany WWIISouthernN'Proud said:When you lead at something be sure and let us know, m'kay?
Winky said:Louie they lost.
(well Wal-Mart hasn't finished winning over the Chi-Coms, give 'em time)
Luis G said:Yeah, but you would agree that the so called "left" would be best described as wankers rather than leftists.
SouthernN'Proud said:When you lead at something be sure and let us know, m'kay? Hell, we even got yer Stanley Cup!
Pacifists always sit back on well-rounded asses and whine about the very freedom provided for them. It sounds like a loose fan belt. Just one more piece of auditory dissonance to block out. "Oh, but all the innocent civilians..." Cram it already. Nowhere near the number of Iraqi civilians have been killed as were killed in one morning in 2001. So take your sniveling coward philosophy and impress the French, the lot of you, regardless of where you are. If something is worth having it's worth fighting for.
MrBishop said:I'd say that we were leaders when the USA sat on the fence, eh
MrBishop said:Germany WWII
3/9/1939: Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa declare war on Germany
10/9/1939: Canada declares war on Germany
17/9/1939: the Soviet Union invades Poland
4/11/1939: the USA Congress passes a neutrality act
I'd say that we were leaders when the USA sat on the fence, eh
Luis G said:Here we go again...and the barbaric cowards didn't ask for the US troops to be on their soil.
An amendment calling for a short timetable to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq went down in a lopsided defeat Thursday, failing 86-13. The Senate also rejected a second amendment that had a longer and more open-ended schedule for withdrawal. That failed 39-60.,2933,200542,00.html
failing 86-13
"This is not cut and run. This is a smart way to win the War on Terror," Kerry said in the debate Wednesday.
"Withdrawal is not an option, surrender is not a solution," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist.
No, no...80% voted AGAINST it. Democrats lie, kids die."What you had with Republicans was a rubber stamp approach, voting in lockstep to support a status quo. Whatever the White House wants, all the Republicans" want, Levin said. "We believe it's time for a change. Eighty percent of us voted that way. It is a strong consensus statement by Democrats."