Tragedy strikes...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Why, you may ask? Maybe this had something to do with it...

The Israeli military said the target was a car carrying the militant in charge of making Hamas rockets. Israel has been trying to stop daily barrages of rocket fire from Gaza at Israeli towns.

I am now awaiting the indignant responses and accusations...:devious:
The Israelis have suffered more than 300 tocket attacks over the last couple of months. Where is that darmed UN? Nancy can't get us there before January.
Why, you may ask? Maybe this had something to do with it...

I am now awaiting the indignant responses and accusations...:devious:
Best go re-read your article. The first part of it deals with the shelling of a residential area, supposedly because of a miscalculation - which led to renewed hostilities.

The second part (and your quote) is on a different day entirely and did not lead to renewed hostilities by Hamas
that's a very satanic av there bish ... it flows seemlessly from a blood red remembrance poppy signifying death and destruction ,morphing fluidly into an upside down satanic cross.

what's that all about?
Best go re-read your article. The first part of it deals with the shelling of a residential area, supposedly because of a miscalculation - which led to renewed hostilities.

The second part (and your quote) is on a different day entirely and did not lead to renewed hostilities by Hamas

The rocket attacks were the reason this happened. The miscalculation on the part of the artillery would not have happened had it not been for the rockets. :shrug: Thanks for the response, though. It kinda made my point for me...
They always try to act like there was some legitimate reason for killing civilians but it's shit like this that causes the rocket attacks.
They always try to act like there was some legitimate reason for killing civilians but it's shit like this that causes the rocket attacks.

Never said there was a legitimate reason to kill civilians...I simply stated that rocket attacks get retaliation. The whole region has been doing the same tit for tat for generations. Nice to know you are around to levy charges upon the Israeli army, though. Now if you'd do the same thing to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Fatah, you'd get respect...
The whole region has been doing the same tit for tat for generations. Nice to know you are around to levy charges upon the Israeli army, though. Now if you'd do the same thing to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Fatah, you'd get respect...

the whole region and the tit/tat - yup, seems like that's the local thing to do. just wish we didn't feel like we need to spend mucho $ trying to stabilize the region when we could be spending it on beer + hookers.
Never said there was a legitimate reason to kill civilians...I simply stated that rocket attacks get retaliation. The whole region has been doing the same tit for tat for generations. Nice to know you are around to levy charges upon the Israeli army, though. Now if you'd do the same thing to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Fatah, you'd get respect...

I didn't levy charges on the Israeli army. It's hard for you to get respect when attribut things to me that didn't happen.

Retaliation gets retaliation which gets retaliation.
They always try to act like there was some legitimate reason for killing civilians but it's shit like this that causes the rocket attacks.

Typically 180° off the mark. Retaliatory rocket attacks on terrorists hiding among civililans causes civilian deaths.
Typically 180° off the mark. Retaliatory rocket attacks on terrorists hiding among civililans causes civilian deaths.

Missing the obvious once again that attacks on civilians like above causes retaliation which causes retaliation which causes retaliation. Both sides are always retaliating for something.
Well then, tell the terrorists to stop & Israel will have nothing to retaliate against.
If Israeli terrorists didn't pull shit like this there wouldn't be a need to retaliate either.
In the beginning there was the UN. They said damn these Jews all to hell. Then there was Israel. The Jews were as happy as a bumch of guilt ridden worshippers are allowed to be. Then the Egyptians & Syrains & Saudis & Iraqis & (how Monty Pythonish should this get?) attacked those damn Jews in their new homeland which was their old homeland. Israel kicked their ass. hehe. Then the terrorists came & started blowing up pizza huts & gas stations & Blimpies (sub sammich shops) & city busses. Then Israel started rounding up these actors in bad faith & putting them in pens, like the dogs they are, and the bombers got mad. On & On & on it goes.

moral of the story-leave the damn Jews alone & they'll leave you alone.