tranquility Bay...

Hmm... I can see a use for it, but I'll bet there are people using it in lieu of being an actual parent.
There is always a couple so far gone they need that but once again, actual parenting has gotten lost in the shuffle.
Why bother doing it if you can just buy it for 40k a year? Then you can be the good guy again when they get back home.
chcr said:
Hmm... I can see a use for it, but I'll bet there are people using it in lieu of being an actual parent.

Amen. It's too inconvenient to actually raise a kid these days for many people. They let the TV babysit, they let the brat run wild, then gasp in astonishment when the teen years roll around and little angel is a monster.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Amen. It's too inconvenient to actually raise a kid these days for many people. They let the TV babysit, they let the brat run wild, then gasp in astonishment when the teen years roll around and little angel is a monster.
I couldn't agree more! Just learn how to tell you kids no, and then stand behind it! It's really not difficult when you apply yourself to being a parent. :confused:
majestyx said:
I couldn't agree more! Just learn how to tell you kids no, and then stand behind it! It's really not difficult when you apply yourself to being a parent. :confused:

But why do that, when Sesame Street does a much better job? :lol2:
majestyx said:
I couldn't agree more! Just learn how to tell you kids no, and then stand behind it! It's really not difficult when you apply yourself to being a parent. :confused:

Wow! Its that easy huh? :rolleyes:

I think parenting is a tad more complex than that... parenting incorporates the skills found in so many "jobs." You're a
  • psychologist and psychoanalyst
  • a doctor and nurse
  • a chef
  • a cleaner
  • a launderette
  • a police officer/prison warden
  • a teacher

And so much more...

Its hardly surprising that people with hardly one skill/trade fuck up...

The most important skill/trate of all has to be intelligence To be intelligent enough to realise that parenting encapsulates all and more of the above trades and not to embark upon it through accident, unprepared, on a whim, as a fashion statement or to sort out your own personal/relationship problems.

This is locking the stable door after the horse has bolted...
True, it's a complex job requiring a variety of skills. No one does it perfectly.

Still, there's better ideas than just shipping them off to become someone else's problem.

*sings* Teach...your children well...
ClaireBear said:
Wow! Its that easy huh? :rolleyes:
No, It's not that easy. But my two girls are in college and my son is in high school. I think I've done a pretty good job at being a parent. None of my kids have police records, drug additions or any such horrid problem. And, yes, I utilized all of the 'jobs' that you mentioned. Hence my response of needing to apply yourself as a parent and not letting someone else doing the damn job for you.

edited for bad typing skills this am.
SouthernN'Proud said:
True, it's a complex job requiring a variety of skills. No one does it perfectly.

Still, there's better ideas than just shipping them off to become someone else's problem.

*sings* Teach...your children well...

Exactly... by the time they're 14/15 the damage is already done. If they had the benefit of "good parenting" (which is subjective) this camp wouldn't even exist...

And if its all about locking these kids up... confiscationg their mobile phones, designer labels, plush beds and rooms... why the Hell can't "Mom and Daddy" do that instead of forking out £20,000 for someone else to do their own "cleaning up"
ClaireBear said:
Exactly... by the time they're 14/15 the damage is already done. If they had the benefit of "good parenting" (which is subjective) this camp wouldn't even exist...

And if its all about locking these kids up... confiscationg their mobile phones, designer labels, plush beds and rooms... why the Hell can't "Mom and Daddy" do that instead of forking out £20,000 for someone else to do their own "cleaning up"

Here in the states, kids have been known to dial '911' for things like I guess you'd have to add 'have a spine' to the list of jobs as well.
Gato_Solo said:
Here in the states, kids have been known to dial '911' for things like I guess you'd have to add 'have a spine' to the list of jobs as well.

WTF! I think somewhere along the line America has got lost... the sad thing is Blighty is following its foot prints out into the same wilderness.
ClaireBear said:
WTF! I think somewhere along the line America has got lost... the sad thing is Blighty is following its foot prints out into the same wilderness.

More like we're both following the rest of Europe down that path. I wouldn't worry too much about that, though, as most people have a limit to how much insanity they'll permit, and a backlash will occur... :lloyd:
Gato_Solo said:
I wouldn't worry too much about that, though, as most people have a limit to how much insanity they'll permit, and a backlash will occur... :lloyd:

When oh when will that day come though? This PC bullshit is ruining America. Being a citizen of that country and never having travelled abroad, I cannot intelligently speak of other countries. But if one were to sit down and read all the PC horsecrap that's going on, and mull it over for a while, it'd drive you insane.
Why the hell is this place in Jamaica? Ship'em somewhere not so nice...Siberia comes to mind.

Ya the 40k/year cost...I can see that most of these 'inmates' were formerly rich brats. How many middle-class or lower families could even look at such a place at that cost?
MrBishop said:
Why the hell is this place in Jamaica? Ship'em somewhere not so nice...Siberia comes to mind.

Not all of Jamaica is nice...;)

Bish said:
Ya the 40k/year cost...I can see that most of these 'inmates' were formerly rich brats. How many middle-class or lower families could even look at such a place at that cost?

None, but at least the rich ones are 'taken care of'...muahahahahaaaaaaa
I was able to forgo such silliness by making my Kid live under those conditions from birth.
Funny how when you stop feeding them they get real motivated real quick!
Gato_Solo said:
Not all of Jamaica is nice...;)
Yeah, I know...I drove through a few 'not so nice' areas on my last trip down there.

Abject poverty covered with a candy coating of resort hotels. :(

the weatehr though is quite lovely. C'mon...maybe a few blizzards would do them (the brats) some good