Trip next year.

Ah rite, over here even in strip clubs theres the odd guy tender, the bouncers are usually 7ft tall 400 pounders with a 78 IQ.
I know 2 sites you need to see around Toronto
Justintime said:
You're kiddin me? Trailers and all? I was more thinking Texas to be the redneck central of america.
Nope, no trailers. but the state of mind is there. I think You're confusing redneckism with trailer trashism, not surprising, as they are quite similar. As for Queens, like unc says, it's the attitude, not the accent.
I truly loved the story. I am a southern writer in the corner of Virginia neighboring West Virginia. It is true that a solid definition has not been found when one is seeking to find a true Redneck.
Yet, here in these parts where I am from, honey, red is bout nar all yea fin ere. The culture alone will sell itself to you in Welch, WV, they play with snakes in church. Plum Creek is a little place in VA that will stand the very hair up on the back of your neck. They have pistol toters, beer drinkers, car burning women, and moonshine runners. Now I am not sure if that would help anyone in defining the charateristics of a Redneck but it does define insanity. However as mean as they are is as kind as they are to their mothers and fathers. Good ol boy goes out on a Friday night dranks through Saturday and will be in church the first thing come Sunday morning, he will go outside after church and swig with the preacher and the ushers and after all the swigging he will lay around Sunday evening after eating dinner and go to work on Monday and pray like daylight for Friday to roll around. Yes most of the rednecks here wear their cowboy hats and big overweight belt buckles and do that sound of, YEW HAW. Somehow even after all this information is exchanged to someone else there is going to be some redneck that stands up and says, El at ain't de way it works ere. We's all ere do it anutter way in deys parts.

Found this :D
How would you define a Redneck?
-possibly as someone that slaughters good english with every word they speak.
-how about the guy that has an flourescent orange hat that he wears everywhere.
-he would rather drive an old pick-up than a new Lincoln
-is it someone that has a knack for collecting worn out useless stuff
-possibly the guy that hasn't seen the dentist since grade school.

Many of the characters in the Bible displayed similar traits in their own time. Did God choose 12 of the finest teachers of the time to spread the gospel? He preferred to make himself known by becoming freinds with 12 common men. They probably didn't have the best language and they probably were not dressed in their Sunday best.

I think we all have a little redneck in us. Can we humble ourselves enough to admit it. Why does it seem that the mark of a good Christian in the U.S. is weighed by how nice a tie we wear to church and our Sunday School awards. I know God loves rednecks too. Personally I believe that to allow God to work best in our lives we need to let our guard down and allow Him to work in us just where we are. Does the Bible say we need to get dressed up to be a part of the kingdom? Much damage is being done by the enemy to the Body of Christ today. Much of this damage is caused by making parts of that body feel inadequate to share the Gospel. Too many Saints feel they cannot share the wonderful story of our Lord because they don't know the Bible well enough. They feel it is more important to be a good student and God eventually make them good enough to be an effective witness.

FRIEND IF CHRIST IS TAKING UP RESIDENCE IN YOUR HEART THEN YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO SHARE THAT STORY WITH SOMEONE ELSE. YOU HAVE TRUSTED HIM TO BE GOOD ENOUGH TO TAKE YOUR PLACE ON THE CROSS, NOW OPEN THE DOOR OF YOUR HEART TO LET OTHERS LOOK IN AND SEE EXACTLY WHO HE IS. Don't buy into this theology that you don't know enough to lead someone to salvation. The world was changed forever by 12 common men. I don't know where the Bible says that Christ renounced his disciples for the way they talked or dressed. The main issue was how much they needed His power to be effective.

PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY We go to church so often and get outlines for the sermon that tell us how many parts there is to a prayer, and how to put it in order. I think that if Jesus were sitting right there beside you he might would quote a popular advertising slogan "JUST DO IT".

Jesus wants to be your freind!! It is easy to get confused as to whether to speak to Him as a freind or a the awesome creator that can end your existance with the wink of an eye. The answer is both. Spend some time studying what the "fear of the Lord" is. The common answer is reverence. There is much more to it than that. Seek Him with a heart of worship like a little child and you will be humbled into a fresh understanding of His awesome power and his love for you.

Some of His best work has been done through the hands of the common man. While Job, Noah, Abraham, and others held prominent positions many others were what we would call "rednecks". Moses had to be taken out of a prominent position and humbled as a shepherd for 40 years before he was equipped to lead his people out of bondage. God himself came to dwell with us as a common carpenter. He wants to use you exactly where you are

poolking said:
Ok, So why are these people called rednecks? I've always wondered this.
Actually, the red neck thing comes from the hippies, I think. A redneck was someone who was uneducated, prejudiced (especially against hippies), wore their hair short (as opposed to hippies), and generally worked as laborers outdoors. Therefore, their necks were always sunburned, hence the red neck.

*waves from Athens*

There is some damn cool stuff here, but whatever you do, bring a decent pair of shoes.
Do I need to tell you the tourist attractions in NY? Nah, I didn't think so. :)

If you wanna meet up while you're here, let me know. How are you going to be getting around, rental car? I'm a hop skip and a jump from Queens.
gf, if that's really where you wanna sleep... :brow:

:D're more than welcome :headbang: