Bobby Hogg
New Member
Evidently not all Americans have the same view of right and wrong as you do. Thankfully.
Bobby Hogg said:Yes indeed.
But no, I wanted Leviticus. If you can use Leviticus for justifying homophobia, then there must be some other interesting stuff in there you can use too.
HeXp£Øi± said:What you think i'm justifying homophobia? I think you're unjustly categorizing me with some other people. On the contrary i don't think we should be afraid of homosexuals at all or anyone else for that matter. I was simply stating what the bible says and that Jesus Christ agreed with the bible since you seemed to be invoking the idea that he(Jesus) somehow condoned the act of homosexual behavior.
Winky said:Yeah yer right not all:
Bobby Hogg said:He was released.
Gonz said:AFTER he was jailed for a month for having an opinion.
Gonz said:Hey, this is why we left Europe in teh first place.
Bobby Hogg said:I appreciate that, but you can't use Leviticus without also bearing in mind just how much of it that we utterly disregard. It's completely archaic.
I think if Christ was unduly worried about homosexuality, He would have mentioned it. As it was, I feel describing homosexuality as a cancer is not Christ-like, from my reading of the Bible. Somewhere along the line people have to stop looking at others and start looking at themselves when they claim the moral highground.
SouthernN'Proud and anyone else lecturing people on the morality of homosexuality have to make sure their own house is in order as it regards Christ's word. Christ said it Himself.
Wikipedia said:The other two acts define the freedom of the press and other forms of expression. They are separated into two separate laws mainly to maintain the tradition of the Freedom of the Press Act from 1766.
The Freedom of the Press Act (Swedish: Tryckfrihetsförordningen, TF) has actually been changed several times since its first incarnation. In 1772, 1810, 1812, 1949 and 1982. It was not, however, until the 1810 Act that what we today generally call Freedom of Expression was secured. The 1766 Act held for example that Freedom of Expression was to be uninhibited, except for "violations", which included blasphemy and criticism of the state.
The Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression (Swedish: Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen, YGL) of 1991 is a lengthier document defining freedom of expression in all media except for written books and magazines (such as television, the Internet, radio, etc.)
...Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
EU Charter of Fundamental Principes said:Article 10
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.
2. The right to conscientious objection is recognised, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of this right.
Article 11
Freedom of expression and information
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
2. The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.
Ah, right. My mind was in "running off to bed"-mode. (It's currently in "wake up, wake up now!"-mode)unclehobart said:Now, now... I was in agreement. Darn these language barriers.
Bobby Hogg said:Yes indeed.
But no, I wanted Leviticus. If you can use Leviticus for justifying homophobia, then there must be some other interesting stuff in there you can use too.
-LeslieBobby Hogg said:SouthernN'Proud and anyone else lecturing people on the morality of homosexuality have to make sure their own house is in order as it regards Christ's word. Christ said it Himself.
SouthernN'Proud said:Here's a novel about you read it for yourself?
edited - Leslie
SouthernN'Proud said:-Leslie
2. My house was set in order thirty years ago. I'll worry about mine, you take care of yours. -Leslie
3. Anyone who professes nonbelief in God's word has no business quoting it. It's intended to be more than a petty debate tool.
Bobby Hogg said:I said that I'm not a Christian, because I don't follow Christ's word. If this thread or how you post here is evidence, then neither do you.
me said:I know what's in that book quite well. I know the passage about judge not lest ye be judged.
Bobby Hogg said:Yet you when on a moral tirade in your initial post that is not based on any of Christ's teachings. Not very Christian of you.
I know what's in that book quite well. I know the passage about judge not lest ye be judged.