Trying to start outlook


Well-Known Member
I've got a new Mobo and processor. Had to change it when the capacitors on my old mobo died and leaked.

I went from a 1.5ghz P4 with PC100 ram to a 2.8 Althlon with DDR400 ram. New main HD. I'm in the process of transferring my files over.

The thing is that Outlook won't start on the new compi. So, I can't export my contacts and emails over.

Anyone know of a way of tricking Outlook into opening? It's telling me that it can't run except if its on the original install drive..which is where it is. It's going through a USB port now, but its the same damn drive.

Any ideas?
You want to capture the .PAB and .PST files, as well as any .OST. At least, that's what they used to call them. Depends on your version, I'd imagine.
You'd probably be best served by doing a fresh install of Outlook, then copying over the .PAB, .PST, and .OST files to the new drive, or importing them from the old drive from within Outlook..
highwayman said:
I am no expert but have you tried unplugging the USB, starting outlook and plugging the USB back in??
The Outlook is on the USB'd outside the machine.
I can't plug in the drive as the bootable... the XP oaded on it doesn't want to work thanks to the mobo changeover.


er..thanks for the advice guys...will try tonight.
Found na old file hidden on my old hard-drive. Reloading it now.


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