Turkey and gravy soda... yum


New Member

They even take subimissions as to their label photos.


The full holiday meal... its no carb no caffeine as well as vegan and kosher.

Its a company that been around for nigh on 2 decades that made its mark with hip flavors that are gobbled up by the skater crowd. They've always been a little offbeat with styles like blueberry bubblegum soda. For 35$, you can have a personalized photo placed upon your very own signature 12 pack.
unclehobart said:

They even take subimissions as to their label photos.


The full holiday meal... its no carb no caffeine as well as vegan and kosher.

Its a company that been around for nigh on 2 decades that made its mark with hip flavors that are gobbled up by the skater crowd. They've always been a little offbeat with styles like blueberry bubblegum soda. For 35$, you can have a personalized photo placed upon your very own signature 12 pack.

Didn't you post this last year around Thanksgiving? :nerd:
she'll be ok tonksy, we've been there done that too. Zach had seven pulled at one and a half :eh:

She'll be back on porkchops tomorrow.
Leslie said:
she'll be ok tonksy, we've been there done that too. Zach had seven pulled at one and a half :eh:

She'll be back on porkchops tomorrow.
7? dude...i don't think my kid had 7 teeth at that age :eek:
i'm just nervous for her.
7! and this year, Avery did 6, and Zach another 2.

Bad gene pool. It's scary and whatever, and it'll be a real crap day, but my children came out of it loving their dentist when it was all said and done. After it's over, they notice that hey yeah the toothache really is gone.
when mar was just over a year she was standing on a dining room chair. she slipped and landed lip and tooth first on a tile topped table. if she hadn't have landed on her lip she would have lost her teeth but instead she just killed the nerves in her two front teeth and put little stress fractures in 3 of her teeth. the dentists that i spoke to wanted to leave them in so she would learn to eat and talk like normal but they said first sign of trouble and they need to go. i'm really surprised they've lasted this long, actually.

damn leslie. hope their adult teeth are better.
*tip* ask about spacers. If it's gonna be a few years before the adult ones come in, the remaining teeth could shift and cause buckiness and need for braces. A couple hundred extra now could save you a couple thousand later on.

my guys' grownup teeth are great so far, Zach's adult teeth are lovely and strong. He's not had a cavity in any of them. It's just the baby teeth on those two didn't seem to last 6 months no matter what.
the baby's teeth are- to quote the dentist "perfect", while mar's are bad. it's strange how that works out.
My middle guys' teeth are the same. Absolutely brightwhite sparkly perfect. He's 9 now, not a cavity yet. I did the same and fed them all the same. It's inexplicable.

Bad gene pool :shrug:
well, we are back. apparently she was a real trooper in the dentist chair and it all went very quickly. she is still biting on gauze to stop the bleeding but it looks good. they gave us the teeth in a little container for the tooth fairy ;) i thought that was cool. she is a little whiny but who wouldn't be?