Turkey Soup recipe?


One fresh bun
at least 1/3 pound turkey breast
one small knife with mayo, spread on bun

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Open bun, coat inside of bun with mayo, place knife in dishwasher.

Add turkey.

Put top back on bun.

Turn off oven, find a recliner, and enjoy. Best served with Ruffles and beverage of choice.

An old family favorite. Guard it with your life. :D
I had a turkey sammich today with gravy that I just whipped up this morning ... yummy!! I'm still doing leftovers though, as there is only me and the kids in the house ... I put whatever was left of the turkey in the freezer (after I cut off all the "good" meat) ... I'm sure someone out there has a good idea for soup?

Or shall I just boil what's left of the bird and throw in whatever I have in the fridge? How adventurous am I feeling right now?
The tradition in my family... two nights of turkey sandwiches, then the rest goes to turkey enchiladas. Yummy.
You know...when I was growing up, my mom used to buy 20 pound turkeys. I grew to dread the weeks after Thanksgiving because we'd have turkey just about every day. She found recipes for everything except turkey ice cream. Then...just when we thought it was safe...we had turkey for Christmas. Our household freezer was a curse. :eek3:
Why is it, the turkey sammiches you get after Thanksgiving and the turkey sammich from the deli...is that even the same meat?
1 - Your post makes NO sense to me Gonz...is it missing a word or something?

Ku'u: I'll get my mom's recipe for you, I don't like soup at all but everyone else who has tried her turkey soup seems to love it.
No. Go cut a turkey breast & majke yourself a sandwich.

Go to the corner grocer. Buy a pound of turkey breast.

Go home.

Open the package.

That is a different species.
No. Go cut a turkey breast & majke yourself a sandwich.

Go to the corner grocer. Buy a pound of turkey breast.

Go home.

Open the package.

That is a different species.


I can tolerate deli turkey maybe twice a year. I honestly think I could eat real turkey every week, or at least as often as I eat chicken.

Ku'u, Inky's suggestion got me thinking, and I believe I have a chicken recipe that just might be great with turkey instead. I'll enter it verbatim and let you make any quantity adjustments you think it needs if you decide to try it. We like it with chicken, so...

Chicken Enchillada Casserole

yield 8-10 servings

1 medium chopped onion
2 tbsp oil
4 cups cooked shredded chicken
15 oz can tomato sauce
14 1/2 oz can undrained diced tomatoes
1 pkg taco seasoning mix
1/2 tsp garlic paowder
1/2 tsp chili powder
12 medium corn tortillas
3 cups Monterrey Jack cheese, shredded

Saute onion in oil. Add chicken, tomatoes, tomato saice, taco seasoning, chili powder and garlic powder. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 12-15 minutes.

In a 13X9X2 baking dish, place 4 tortillas. Spread 1/3 of mixture evenly, add 1/3 of the cheese. Layer twice more. Bake at 350 uncovered for 30-40 minutes.

Before our house fire I had a recipe remarkably similar to this, the only difference I recall being it used tortilla chips or even Doritos instead of the tortillas. It came out a bit more "goopy" but otherwise tasted fine. My wife asked about that dish recently even.
No. Go cut a turkey breast & majke yourself a sandwich.

Go to the corner grocer. Buy a pound of turkey breast.

Go home.

Open the package.

That is a different species.

OK, I get and agree with that...but your original post...it's contains an incomplete thought...or too many words. It almost seems like the "Why is it" should be removed or "are different" should be added after "deli"...

Why is it, the turkey sammiches you get after Thanksgiving and the turkey sammich from the deli...is that even the same meat?
Why is it,(lead in) the turkey sammiches you get after Thanksgiving and the turkey sammich from the deli (subject)...is that even the same meat? rhetorical question-leading from the original, wondering why they are different. Thinking out loud kinda thing.

Not a great use of grammatical skills but it makes sense to me, still.
Why is it,(lead in) the turkey sammiches you get after Thanksgiving and the turkey sammich from the deli (subject)...is that even the same meat? rhetorical question-leading from the original, wondering why they are different. Thinking out loud kinda thing.

Not a great use of grammatical skills but it makes sense to me, still.

Of course it does, it came from your head :p
No. Go cut a turkey breast & majke yourself a sandwich.

Go to the corner grocer. Buy a pound of turkey breast.

Go home.

Open the package.

That is a different species.

I recently voiced this same sentiment to my husband :D
I skimmed through this thread quickly before reading it looking for a reply from Tonks. She usually has great soup recipes. Where are ya Tonks? :shrug: