I don't quite understand why there is always nothing on... If I had more time I would watch History and Discovery Civilization 24/7 So many things I haven't seen yet.
digital cable here. whoop-de-do. 100+ channels of nothing to watch. that and they seem to repeat the same dozen or so movies over and over and over.....
The only things I miss from cable are ESPN and the Weather Channel, I'm crazy about weather, and putting more Cubs games on cable won't get me to buy it, the radio blows the TV coverage away anyways (the bell "toils" for thee, Joe Carter ), and it's less distracting. A few years ago our cable line got cut, they gave their usual non show up time every day (I think they just picked the numbers at random, either from a hat or rolled dice, like 10 to 2, 3 to 11, 8 to 9, 7 to 6, etc. ) and kept billing us for 6 months. The threats of disconnection were pretty funny by then, though.